Virtual Science Symposium 2020

The Science Research Symposium is designed to be the final showcase of each research student’s work that they have been involved in over the course of the program, whether they are just starting out or concluding. This symposium is the final opportunity for some to have their hard work highlighted and for their research to be heard.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, however, an in-person symposium was impossible. So the Hudson Falls Science Research Program compiled a virtual symposium and the students pre-recorded their presentations. The students involved currently in the program are Sophomore, Ashlyn Hutchinson; Juniors, Isaac Kwasniewski, and Chris Petteys; and Seniors, Olivia Lewis, Danielle Hogan, Eliza Hogan, and Mikayla Washburn. Sophomores were instructed to present a peer-reviewed journal they have read. Juniors presented their research as it stood at the end of May and the Seniors presented their finished product. Following a brief introduction by the Science Research teacher, Tom Vartuli, and the student presentations, the video highlights the Senior accolades as well as introducing the new incoming research students.

Any questions involving the student’s work or the course, in general, can be posted at the following site:

Any other information about the students or the program can be found at the HF Science Research website: