High School Frequently Asked Questions

I have a 9th grader. How does it work for her remote days? Do Chromebooks go home? Logging in at specific times? What does instruction look like?
High school students bring their Chromebooks home. This year it will be imperative that students have their Chromebooks both when they are in person, and at home on their remote days. On remote days students will log into a Google Classroom and complete work that is posted to the classroom by their teachers. In the Google Classroom, students will be asked to watch flipped lessons, visit websites, watch videos, and complete assignments. The work will be comparable to what would be completed in person. The classes they have to complete work in will be based on the day of the week in the rotating block schedule (A-D days). For example, if it is an A day and a student is remote, they would complete work for the classes they have on A days only. Students have the entire day to complete the work that is assigned and can log in at any time during the school day to complete the work.

Since BOCES is an everyday thing what are we doing about transportation to BOCES on remote learning days? Can you please explain how a BOCES schedule will work?
BOCES will be based on an every other day rotating schedule. BOCES will call their days, Day 1 and Day 2. Hudson Falls students will go to BOCES on Day 2. Our students will attend BOCES Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays one week, and Tuesdays, Thursdays the following week.

Students in need of transportation will be picked up and dropped off at home if they have to attend BOCES on their remote day. Students will be allowed to drive or parents will be allowed to transport their students to BOCES this year because of COVID. Once BOCES has the process in place for students to drive we will inform students and families.

How will ECCA work?
ECCA students will attend their programs every day Monday through Friday in the morning if they are juniors, and in the afternoon if they are seniors. This is the same model that the ECCA program has used since it began. Just like BOCES, students in the ECCA program will be allowed to drive or be dropped off. Students on their remote days will be transported to and from their homes if needed.

I am a high school senior, and I am trying to decide my best option for school in the fall, and. I am wondering if the open campus will still be offered this year?
Open Campus will be available to seniors this year. In addition, students 9-11 who do not have a class Block 1 or Block 4, will be allowed to come in late or leave early.

How will parent drop-offs & pick-ups work?
Parent drop-offs will not change from past years, except for the entry time. No students will be allowed to enter the building until 7:30 am, no exceptions. Pickups will also be very similar to years past. The only change will be that all students need to leave the building immediately following the end of the school day, with no exceptions.

When do we find out which days the kids will be at school so we can plan ahead? What about our daily schedules?
The in-person hybrid schedule will be mailed to families by Friday, September 4th. Students will be broken up into two teams, White and Green. The White team will be in person on Mondays and Tuesdays. The Green Team will be in-person on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Friday will be a remote day for all students.