Welcome to the Kindergarten Center! We enjoy our young students and work hard to help them love learning. Our job is to build the foundations for learning, particularly in the areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics. We encourage each child to use his or her strengths to become enthusiastic lifelong learners. To achieve a successful school year and meet the expectations of the Learning Standards, we need your involvement and support. We have an outstanding staff, and we will work with you to make sure your child feels safe and enjoys every opportunity to be successful.
The Kindergarten Center uses a workshop framework to teach our learners how to become readers, writers, and mathematicians. Throughout the school year, we stress the importance of being responsible, respectful, and safe. These themes are weaved into our morning announcements, classroom lessons, and assemblies that work nicely into our Character Education and SEL lessons.
During the first few weeks of school at the Kindergarten Center, the teachers teach our students how to follow the Tiger Way. We use our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) lesson to teach these skills to students. Students are rewarded at the end of the week with our Tiger Way Cart.