NYS Assessment Letter to Parents & Guardians

photo shows girl wearing mask working at desk

Dear Hudson Falls Parents and Guardians,

It is the time of the school year to organize for New York State testing.  I have worked in many school districts throughout New York and the very best have used these assessments to better meet the learning needs of students.  The test is NOT about rating teachers or ranking students.  Instead, it helps us understand what we are teaching and what students actually know and can communicate. Our Hudson Falls Principals and teachers are also focused on these outcomes!   

We believe in any given year that…

  • Assessments provide valuable information to the standing of our students in relation to the state standards.
  • Assessments provide valuable information to the standing of our schools in relation to other schools.
  • Assessments provide an important layer of data as we make program decisions, evaluate our running data, and set building and district goals.

Because of COVID, New York State has made some changes to the test format.  The math and ELA grades 3-8 will be single-session tests.  Tests have been reduced in length by the removal of the embedded multiple-choice field test questions. Lab practicals are not required as part of the Science assessment.

Our plan for testing will be the following:

  • We will not be hosting Virtual Academy students for testing during the Spring of 2021
  • We will be administering only Session One of both the ELA and math Assessments during the Spring of 2021.
  • We will not be testing the Lab Practicals for 4/8 Science during the Spring of 2021

Students who are not testing (opt-outs), hybrid, and fully virtual students will work on other materials in the classroom or at home (asynchronous) while tests are being administered.
As always, students with IEP’s and/or 504 plans will have access to all accommodations.

In the next few days, you will be receiving specific information from your Principals about the testing schedule and test procedures. Please contact the building administrator of your child’s school if you have any questions, including opting your student out of any exams. I encourage all students with parental support to participate in the assessment process. Your child’s scores on the state tests will not affect their grades and it is one more opportunity to understand student learning and plan for the future for your children, our students.


Jon Hunter, Interim Superintendent