Boys Basketball Semifinals

The Tigers Boys Basketball team is in action tonight vs. Mekeel Christian Academy, in the Section II Class A semifinals at the Cool Insuring Arena In Glens Falls at 6:30pm.  Tiger hoops reached the semifinal with their 66-36 win over Averill Park in the quarter-finals.  The Tigers enter the contest with an overall record of …

COVID Test Kits Pickup

Please reach out to 518-681-4124 to schedule a pickup outside our school building hours. We continue to receive COVID-19 rapid tests, supplied by Gov. Kathy Hochul.  These tests are being provided to help achieve our goal of keeping students in the classroom.  To that end, we are inviting families to pickup tests that can be …

Talking HF Tigers 1-14

Hello Tiger Family, It’s been a busy week with a lot of new guidance and information coming out. I wanted to share the following updates with you. Test to Stay At the time of this writing, we are sure we are starting our Test to Stay program. The intent of the Test to Stay program …

Nov 16th Parent Transport Letter

November 15, 2021 Parents and Guardians: Students that are able to report to school for in-person learning without school transportation will be welcomed at the Middle School. Students that are unable to report to school will continue to attend virtual learning.  Please note in an effort to ensure the safety and security of all school …

COVID-19 Exposure Next Steps

I received a Robo-Call stating my child has been identified as being exposed to a COVID positive individual….now what? Answer the call Expect a call from the NYS contact tracers.  It could show up on your caller ID as a blocked caller, NYS contact tracers, or the town in which they are calling you from. …

UPK Parent Letter March 13th Re: Week of March 16-20th

Dear Parent or Guardian, We have been communicating with our school community over the past few weeks as we have monitored the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Our district leaders have been working closely with and following the guidance of the Washington County and New York State Health Departments, as well as the New York State Education …

Math Fluency Support from Home

Dear Families,  In order to support student success in math, the following ideas could be utilized at home to help children learn and practice their multiplication facts.  Parental support is highly encouraged to ensure success with our math curriculum and the high standards your child is faced with each day.  Help your children learn the …