SNAP P-EBT For Families

New York State continues to distribute Pandemic EBT food benefits for the 2021-22 school year for households with eligible children who receive free school lunch under the National School Lunch Act. Our District held fully remote instruction for only 2 days during the 2021-2022 school year. Please visit the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability …

Talking HF Tigers 9/15

We are already done with the second week of school. By now, students are settling into their routines, teachers are completing their first set of lessons, and our athletic teams have a few wins under their belts. Thank you to everyone in our school community for making the first two weeks of school a success! …

First Dance of the Year Information

Dance Hosted by MS Student Council Friday, September 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Middle School Gymnasium. Music by DJ Sliva! Tickets are $3 and can be purchased during lunch periods.      

Picture Day Information

High School  Seniors All of the information that you will need regarding senior portraits, quotes, superlatives etc. will be on the Class of 2024 Classroom page.  The Class Code is oefii53.  You must join that class in order to receive important yearbook information and updates.   Senior portraits are due October 20th.  Baby pictures, senior …

Talking HF Tigers 9/8

Welcome back Tigers. It is that time of the year again where we will provide our weekly Talking HF Tigers newsletter, to keep you up to date with past and upcoming events. I want to thank all families for their cooperation and participation in making the first day of school a resounding success. I would …

Building Hours

Kindergarten Center UPK and K students are allowed in the building beginning at 8:45 am. The late bell rings at 9:10 am. Parent Pickup begins at 3:10 pm at the doors outside the cafeteria.  Bus dismissal follows shortly afterward. Primary School Students may be dropped off at the main entrance beginning at 8:30 am. Students …

Freshman Orientation

Freshman orientation is Thursday, August 31 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Hudson Falls High School. The evening will begin in the auditorium with a presentation from high school principal Jessica Hogan.  Following the presentation there will be tables set up in the gym for a “Freshmen Fair”, allowing incoming students to ask questions and get …