Special Education Virtual Information Sessions

CPSE to CSE Transition for Families  This workshop will help participants understand the transition process, to be an active member of the transition team, to understand the difference between services in Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and Committee on Special Education (CSE), and to understand the purpose of an individualized Education Program (IEP). Participants …

Talking HF Tigers 1/27

We appreciate everyone being adaptable with the schedule changes the winter weather created this past week. Just a reminder, please check our webpage hfcsd.org, our social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), or ParentSquare for up-to-date information regarding delays, closings and cancelation of activities.  Snowflake Ball The Hudson Falls UPK-5 PTSA is hosting a Snowflake Ball …

Talking HF Tigers 1/20

We are always striving to identify and address needs and desires that support a well-rounded graduate. Physical Education is one of our latest efforts to bring forward an additional opportunity for our students. Zero Block PE started in September and is getting rave reviews from students and staff. Furthermore, it is yet another program being …

Zero Block Running Strong

You’d think the 6:40 a.m. start time would be a heavy lift for most students, but for the 25 HFCSD students who attend the zero block class twice a week, it’s the progress in strength, mobility, and body composition that gets them there each week ready to work. It’s exactly what District officials hoped would …

Talking HF Tigers 1/13

It’s worth pointing out it takes a community to build a better future. Progress is visible all over the district from attendance improvements to capital project construction. As we head into a three day weekend in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, Monday, January 16, let’s revisit where we are all at with …

Team Plattsburgh Fundraiser

Team Plattsburgh is selling car wash tickets through Hoffman Car Wash. Use the following link to make a purchase: http://www.hoffmanhelpinghands.com/fundraiser.cfm?id=27736    

Talking HF Tigers 1/6

Happy New Year! It’s a new calendar year – 2023 – and often a time we make plans to improve, set new goals to accomplish, or just begin “anew.”  While this is an already underway school year, those same “new year” aspirations can still apply. Talk as a family about your student’s current grades, attendance, …

Talking HF Tigers 12/22

It is the day before Winter Break, and in the spirit of “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” I have a video message in hopes of setting the tone for a fun-filled time with family and friends. Your school family has been busy this past week, sending us all off in spirited style … from carolers …