Citizen Preparedness Training Offered at Washington County Fair

NYS CITIZEN PREPAREDNESS CORPS TRAINING @ THE FAIR! Holy smokes, we’re excited to announce we’re bringing Citizen Preparedness training to the Washington County Fair! In partnership with Governor Kathy Hochul, the NYS Citizen Preparedness Corps the New York State Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services and the Washington County Fair, we’ll be holding two sessions of the Citizen …

August Regents Information

All exams will be held in the High School in A-wing. All students will be required to surrender their phone to security upon arrival. Phones may be retrieved after exiting the test.  Wednesday, August 16 8:30 a.m.  Algebra I English Language Arts 12:30 p.m. Global History and Geography II Algebra II Thursday. August 17 8:30 …

Empathy Abounds in HFCSD

Students and community raise a lot of funds and more importantly, good citizens    Don’t be mistaken. Learning happens in Joy Lindsay’s math classroom in Hudson Falls Middle School. And empathy is a huge part of the equation. It’s a formula of caring that students are taught across all grades in the Hudson Falls Central …

Working Paper Information

If you have a student looking to work between the ages of 14 and 17 they need to obtain working papers. Working papers are processed through the Health Office and the following steps must be taken: A request for working paper application is made with the Middle School or High School Health Office (during summer …

Talking HF Tigers 6/23

This end of year edition of Talking HF Tigers is a special video message. Class of 2023 Graduation   Visit our YouTube channel or the homepage to stream the ceremony live beginning at 9 a.m.  Have a wonderful and safe summer,  Dan Ward, Superintendent

Talking HF Tigers 6/16

Hugs, applause, tears, and smiles. And let’s not forget the high-fives and fist bumps. These emotions and shows of congratulations were on full display by and to our Class of 2023 graduates earlier this week. Seniors toured each school building donning their caps and gowns, celebrating their academic accomplishments with hallways lined full of students. …

Talking HF Tigers 6/9

Time truly does pass quickly. But nothing makes it seem more like the blink of an eye than when you glimpse a Class of 2023 senior photo next to one of that same student when they were elementary aged. The annual Senior and Junior awards ceremony held this week concluded with a slideshow of photos …