Talking HF Tigers 6/2

June is the final month of the school year, but it is also the beginning of a fabulous time to be a Hudson Falls Tiger. There is no lack of opportunities across our K-12 grades to celebrate and participate in events throughout the month. Field trips, assemblies, concerts, moving up ceremonies, and yearbook distribution fill …

Talking HF Tigers 5/26

Selecting the individuals who provide the overarching leadership in each of our schools is not just the superintendent’s decision, but made by representatives from across the school community. Ensuring we provide a principal who can meet the needs of students, families, and staff can be daunting. But in the instance of finding our new high …

Two HFHS Seniors Honored by AASBA

Adirondack Area School Boards Association 2023 Community Service Awards ceremony was held on May 18, 2023, at The Queensbury Hotel.  Maggie Potvin, a senior,  was recognized as the recipient from Hudson Falls High School.  Also representing HFHS is Alexander Mulvey, a senior, who was named as the WSWHE BOCES recipient.

Talking HF Tigers 5/19

Putting our annual, proposed budget before voters may be a state requirement, but it is also an opportunity to receive further proof of this community’s support of its students. I cannot express adequately the gratitude of our staff for your continued vote of confidence – an 81 percent yes vote – in what we set …

AP/Honors Information for 8th Graders

The Honors/AP Social Studies and English Honors program will have an informational meeting on Wednesday June 7 at 6:00 pm in the High School cafeteria. All interested 8th grade students and their parents are encouraged to attend.  If you cannot attend, please contact your student’s guidance counselor for information.

Talking HF Tigers 5/12

The arrival of our kindergarteners – Class of 2036 – to register for the 2023-24 school year throughout the day Friday marked one of those annual milestones we all come to love in this community. It is truly a pleasure to know these students will have the next 13 years with us to become confident …

Meet the BOE Candidates

Bryan Steele Bryan is a native of Hudson Falls, born, raised and still residing in Hudson Falls. He has two children who will be entering the HFCSD in the next few years. He is married to Brianna who is a Spanish teacher in the Hudson Falls middle school. He has been on the HFBOE for …