Talking HF Tigers 1/10

Happy New Year! It is a new calendar year but our academic pursuits picked back up this week after what I hope was a restful and recharging holiday break. Serving as a reminder, there will be no classes on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Wednesday, January 29 for Asian Lunar …

Help The IS Backpack Program

Help the Hudson Falls Intermediate School Food Backpack program when you shop at Hannaford in January!  Purchase a reusable Fight Hunger Bag at the Hannaford at 3758 Burgoyne Avenue, and our intermediate school will receive $1. All the money raised will go toward purchasing food and supplies for our Food Backpack program. It’s a great …

Talking HF Tigers 12/20

Welcome to the final Talking Tigers of 2024!  As we approach our holiday break, I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone in our Hudson Falls Central School District community for making 2024 a great year. Our winter break runs from Friday, December 20, through Friday, January 3, with classes resuming on Monday, January …

NYS Assemblyman Matt Simpson Visits HFCSD

New York State Assemblyman Matt Simpson recently visited the Hudson Falls Central School District. His visit included a tour of the high school building, including the areas that were recently renovated in the previous building project. He also made special appearances in Ms. Maggie Hogan’s food science class, and Mr. Nassivera’s public policy class, which …

Hudson Falls Seniors Educate Administrators at Leadership Luncheon

Two Hudson Falls High School seniors spoke at the WSWHE BOCES Early College Career Academy (ECCA) Leadership Luncheon. Held on the SUNY Adirondack campus, the event was designed for superintendents, principals, and guidance counselors to learn more about the programs.  The ECCA and Pathways in Technology Early College High School (PTECH) programs are a partnership …

Talking HF Tigers 12/13

The High School Choraliers have been a busy group. On Monday they performed at the Kindergarten Center, Primary School, Intermediate School and Middle School as part of the annual tour day to the delight of students and staff. The Choraliers then joined the high school band and high school choir for a fantastic Winter concert …

Weather Emergency Procedures

It is that time of year again when we all have to be prepared for winter weather conditions. Please take a minute to review where to obtain information on potential weather related emergencies. School closings, delayed openings and early dismissals resulting from weather conditions or other situations will be posted on the homepage of the …

Talking HF Tigers 12/6

I hope everyone was able to rest and recharge over the Thanksgiving recess. December kicked off with a busy week of activities and our first holiday concert this past Wednesday. First trimester marking periods are complete at the elementary schools and beginning Tuesday, December 10 through Friday, December 13, UPK – Grade 5 will have …

Tigers Help Tigers For Thanksgiving

The annual Thanksgiving Basket Initiative is a collaboration between the Hudson Falls High School Student Council, National Honor Society, Primary School classrooms and the District Social Work team that provided 50 families in the Hudson Falls School Community with a turkey, pie and all the trimmings for the holiday. This initiative connected families, students, staff …