No School Friday, May 27th

Due to unused snow days, there will be no school on Friday, May 27.  We wish the entire Tiger Community a Happy Memorial Day weekend, and we will see everyone back on Tuesday, May 31.

Talking HF Tigers 5/20

Hello Tiger Family, The 84% ‘yes’ vote on the budget, in addition to the bus purchase and capital reserve propositions, is a testament to the support the voters of Hudson Falls have for our school district. On behalf of the Board of Education, administration, faculty, staff, and students I would like to share my sincerest …

Voters Pass 2022-23 Budget

Bus and Capital Reserve propositions also receive voter approval On Tuesday, May 17, Hudson Falls residents approved the district’s $49 million budget for 2022-23 school year by a vote of 317 to 59. The results show 84% of voters supported the budget. The approved budget has a growth of 6.36%, but with no tax increase …

Regents Review Schedule

The High School Regents review schedule can be accessed by this post and found on the High School links to the left of the High School page. RegentsReviewSessionsJune2022.doc

Talking HF Tigers 5/13

Happy Friday Tiger Family, The week concluded with one of our school community’s favorite milestones – Kindergarten Registration. Seeing many of our “Class of 2035” eager faces on campus is a reminder of how truly important our work together is – supporting and appreciating our students as they progress along each grade level. As you …

HFCSD 2022-2023 Budget Plan

Each year, HFCSD aims to develop a budget that balances financial impact with the best opportunities and supports for our students.  If you were not able to attend or view the April 12 BOE meeting, please refer to the information below regarding the proposed 2022-23 Budget Plan.  This year’s vote will take place in person …

Senior Ashlyn Hutchinson is Attending Global Science Competition

Senior Ashlyn Hutchinson is in Atlanta, GA from May 8-13, attending the world’s largest global high school science competition, the Regeneron Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).   Ashlyn’s work is entitled, “Investigating the Effectiveness of the Eradication of Microcystis aeruginosa Using Sonication and Magnetic Filtration.” Presenting her research as a poster on March 29, …

Talking HF Tigers 5/6

Hello Tiger Family, We’ve wrapped up an especially important week in our District, as we celebrated our wonderful teachers and educators, for Teacher Appreciation Week. Each of these individuals strives to make a difference for our students on a daily basis and for this we owe them our sincerest thanks. The “Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow” …