COVID-19 Positive 10/23-10/25

Between 10/23-10/25 Hudson Falls CSD has been informed by the Washington County Department of Health of the following cases in our school community. 2 from Kindergarten Center 3 from Primary School 5 from Intermediate School 3 from Middle School 1 from High School 0 from Transportation/Maintenance Building Contact tracing of these cases has begun in …

Board of Education Special Meeting

The Hudson Falls Board of Education is holding a special meeting on Wednesday, October 27 at 6 pm. This meeting will be held virtually. The special meeting will be held in executive session to discuss contract negotiations in concert with the school’s attorney. For more information about board policies or minutes, please visit the BoE …

COVID-19 Positive 10/22

On 10/22 Hudson Falls CSD has been informed by the Washington County Department of Health of the following cases in our school community. 1 from Kindergarten Center 0 from Primary School 3 from Intermediate School 1 from Middle School 1 from High School 0 from Transportation/Maintenance Building Contact tracing of these cases has begun in …

Talking Tigers 10-22

Hello Tiger Family, It is hard to believe, but I have been your school leader for nearly 100 days. I am so proud of the way we have launched a new school year; put together a vision for the district’s future; and have overcome the challenges of providing the best education possible in our continued …

COVID-19 Positive 10/21

On 10/21 Hudson Falls CSD has been informed by the Washington County Department of Health of the following cases in our school community. 0 from Kindergarten Center 0 from Primary School 4 from Intermediate School 0 from Middle School 1 from High School 0 from Transportation/Maintenance Building Contact tracing of these cases has begun in …

HF Senior Named Commended Student in NMSC

Hudson Falls High School Senior Thomas Bowstead has been named a Commended Student in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized each year for their exceptional academic promise. According to the National Merit Scholarship program, those being named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic …

COVID-19 Positive 10/20

On 10/20 Hudson Falls CSD has been informed by the Washington County Department of Health of the following cases in our school community. 0 from Kindergarten Center 1 from Primary School 6 from Intermediate School 2 from Middle School 2 from High School 0 from Transportation/Maintenance Building Contact tracing of these cases has begun in …

COVID-19 Positive 10/19

On 10/19 Hudson Falls CSD has been informed by the Washington County Department of Health of the following cases in our school community. 0 from Kindergarten Center 0 from Primary School 0 from Intermediate School 1 from Middle School 0 from High School 0 from Transportation/Maintenance Building Contact tracing of these cases has begun in …