ARP-ESSER Funding Plan

Introduction The 2021-22 enacted state budget includes language requiring local education agencies, such as school districts, that receive funding from the Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP-ESSER) to post on its website a draft plan by July 1, of how these funds will …

Summer Instruction COVID-19 Reminders

Hudson Falls Central School District wants to remind all our students attending programs in our buildings this summer. School buildings that house in-person learning this summer must continue the COVID-19 regulations outlined in the June 7th, 2021 New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) guidance. This includes such measures as face coverings inside school buildings, …

Community Pool Hours

Hudson Falls CSD Recreation is proud to announce that the Hudson Falls Community Pool is open for the season! Community members may come to swim Monday-Friday from 11:00 am-6pm from now until August 20th. No reservations are required. We remind all our pool visitors that they must wear a mask while in the bathroom areas, …

HF Middle School Earns “No Place For Hate” Desigation

Hudson Falls Middle School was 1 of the 208 schools across New York and New Jersey that have been designated as No Place for Hate for 2020-2021! No Place for Hate was designed by the ADL (Anti-Defamation League). The ADL is a proven leader in “anti-bias education that instructs future generations to accept diversity and …

Talking Tigers Last 2021 Edition

Our Middle School Newspaper is back with a new edition! Check it out below!   Click to access Tiger-Talk-Issue-10.pdf

Summer Program Time Changes

Dear Tiger Community, We are reaching out to inform our UPK-6 students and families of a time change to our summer programs. Transportation has included a letter with the pickup/drop-off location, time, and bus number should your child be riding a bus.  If you are dropping your child off at one of our buildings, please …

5th Grade Moving Up Ceremonies 2021

Mr. McTague Introduction Virtual Students Mrs. Lawrence Mr. Paris Mr. Kugler Mr. Richards Mrs. Hogan Mrs. Hayes Mrs. Doak Mrs. Brewer

HFCSD Recreation Department Covid-19 Procedure 2021

Parent/Guardians Pre-screen your child at home – temperature taking – to establish a baseline – this will help eliminate surprise and potential exposure for others. If your child shows any signs or symptoms please call Aaron Dudley, Recreation Director at 518-804-3173. Upon arrival, the rec staff will ask the parent/guardian screening questions related to Covid-19 …