Talking HF Tigers 5/31

I hope everyone enjoyed some extra time off for their Memorial Day weekend and are ready to flip the calendar to June. It is hard to believe we have reached the final month of the school year but there is still a lot of work to be done. There is no lack of opportunities across …

Talking HF Tigers 5/23

Your weekly Talking HF Tigers is coming to you a day early as another special holiday edition. As a reminder there are no classes Friday, May 24 for an unused snow day. Schools will also be closed Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day and Tuesday, May 28 for another snow day giveback. I hope everyone …

2024-25 Budget Passes

On May 21, Hudson Falls Central School District residents voted to approve the district’s 2024-25 proposed budget with 210 voting in favor and 73 voting against the $54,553,867 spending plan for the 2024-25 school year. The proposed plan calls for a $1,101,058 increase in spending over the current year’s budget. “It is affirming to see …

Celebration of the Arts 5/21

Hudson Falls Central School District is proud to announce the comprehensive return of the Celebration of the Arts. The High school will transform into an Art Gallery showcasing student projects from around the district on Tuesday, May 21 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The event returns from scaled back or virtual iterations that took …

Talking HF Tigers 5/17

The arrival of our UPK and kindergarteners – Class of 2037 and 2038 – to register for the 2024-25 school year marked one of those annual milestones we all come to love in this community. It is truly a pleasure to know these students will have the next 13 years with us to become confident …

May 21st: School Budget Vote

The Hudson Falls Central School District Budget Vote will be held on Tuesday, May 21st. Polls will be open from noon until 8 P.M. in the Hudson Falls High School Gymnasium at 80 E LaBarge Street, Hudson Falls, NY. Community members will be asked to vote on the proposed 2024-25 school year budget, propositions to …

Talking HF Tigers 5/10

Last evening the Spring concert schedule kicked off with our Middle and High School bands. The sweet sounds of the Grade 6 band started things off, followed by an inspiring set from our 7/8 band and wrapped up with our high Schoolers closing the show. Congratulations to all of the seniors who performed on the …

Talking HF Tigers 5/3

May and its flowers have arrived and brought with it some of the warmth and sunshine we have been looking forward to. The Junior Prom is on the horizon and takes place in two weeks. With Prom season approaching students will attend an assembly the week leading up to the prom to address impaired driving …