COVID-19 Exposure Next Steps

I received a Robo-Call stating my child has been identified as being exposed to a COVID positive individual….now what? Answer the call Expect a call from the NYS contact tracers.  It could show up on your caller ID as a blocked caller, NYS contact tracers, or the town in which they are calling you from. …

Chromebook Collection Dates

Chromebook collection is beginning in our buildings the week of June 14th. All devices must be returned before the end of the school year.  All Chromebooks must be returned by Jun 28th so as not to incur a lost hardware claim. Students in grades K-8 may leave their devices in their classrooms for return. High …

A message from our BOE President regarding the May 18 budget vote

Dear Hudson Falls School Community, This school year has been an incredibly challenging year filled with fiscal uncertainty, evolving COVID regulations, hybrid instruction models and school pauses. Despite these barriers, our teachers, administrators, and staff have navigated these uncharted waters to deliver instruction to our students in a way that has maximized their safety and …

Third Graders Blend Science, Social Studies in Project

Third graders from Mrs. Brogan’s room are taking a trip around the world! As a part of their recent research projects, they created travel brochures for specific locations across the globe. The students did all the studying, research, and creating themselves, and presented their final work on Friday. “This project naturally blends the standards and …