Dear Community,
We’re using a new tool called Thoughtexchange to gather your input! This will be one more way for you to let us know what you think!
In the app, you’ll be asked to answer one open-ended question with as many responses as you like and then move on to the next step which is Star. In Star, you’ll see your thoughts and the thoughts of others and assign stars to each thought (from 1-5) depending on how strongly you agree or support that idea.
Thoughtexchange keeps confidential who shared each thought and who assigned what ratings. You can rate as many thoughts as you’d like before moving on to Discover where you can see all the thoughts sorted by the average star rating.
You can also navigate by using the bar across the top to go back and share more ideas or star some more thoughts at any time.
We will use this tool to send out questions on a regular basis to help us gather feedback on a variety of areas.
This month’s exchange link is listed below:
We look forward to your feedback!
Check out this video to learn more!