Report Card Dates
Trimester 1 Trimester 2 End of Year Report Cards Dec 2nd, 2022 Mar. 16th, 2023 June 23rd, 2023
Picture Day
October 13th
Assessments & Standardized Testing
The district is required to administer assessments that are part of the New York State Testing Program for students in grade 3. In addition, we administer additional local assessments. These assessments help to monitor and communicate the progress of students and inform our instructional decisions.
Assessments by Grade Level:
Grade Test
UPK Work Sampling System
Local Benchmark Assessments
Kindergarten Early Literacy Star
Local Benchmark Assessments
Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
As defined by New York State, Academic Intervention Services (AIS) are supplemental services provided to those students who perform below the state standards or demonstrate partial or minimal understanding of the skills and knowledge needed at their grade level. Inclusion in the program is based on test results and level of classroom performance. If a child requires help, supplementary instruction is conducted in small groups of children. Instruction can be provided by the classroom teacher or by a designated teacher for supplemental services. If your child meets the criteria to receive AIS services you will be notified by the school. These programs supplement but do not replace the child’s regular classroom program in reading or math.
Before & After School Programs
The Primary School offers various before and after school programs that are based on the needs and interests of our students. If your child is recommended for one of these programs, you will be notified by the school. Parent permission will be needed to participate in the program. Types of programs that have been offered in the past years: KC Kicks and STEAM programs.
At all times, the students’ behavior should be courteous. An indication of the cultural level of a school is the conduct of its student body at an assembly. Whether guests are present or not, each student is personally responsible for the impression made by the school as a whole. Unacceptable behavior will result in removal from the assembly and possible further disciplinary action.
Students can report to classrooms at 8:45 a.m. The school day begins at 9:10 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m. Students are considered tardy if arriving after the 9:10 bell. Page 3
Statement of Overall Objectives
School attendance is both a right and a responsibility. The School District is an active partner with students and parents in the task of ensuring that all students meet or exceed the New York State Learning Standards. Because the School District recognizes that consistent school attendance, academic success, and school completion have a positive correlation, the School District has developed, and, if necessary, will revise a Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy to meet the following objectives:
- To increase school completion for all students;
- To raise student achievement and close gaps in student performance;
- To identify attendance patterns in order to design attendance improvement efforts;
- To know the whereabouts of every student for safety and other reasons;
- To verify that individual students are complying with education laws relating to compulsory attendance;
- To determine the District’s average daily attendance for State aid purposes.
Description of Strategies to Meet Objectives
The School District will:
- Create and maintain a positive school building culture by fostering a positive physical and psychological environment where the presence of strong adult role models encourages respectful and nurturing interactions between adults and students. This positive school culture is aimed at encouraging a high level of student bonding to the school, which in turn should lead to increased attendance.
- Develop a Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy based upon the recommendations of a multifaceted District Policy Development Team that includes representation from the Board of Education, administrators, teachers, students, parents and the community. The District will hold at least one public hearing prior to the adoption of this collaboratively developed Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy.
- Maintain accurate record keeping to record attendance, absence, tardiness or early departure of each student.
- Utilize data analysis systems for tracking individual student attendance and individual and group trends in student attendance problems.
- Develop early intervention strategies to improve school attendance for all students.
Determination of Excused and Unexcused Absences, Tardiness and Early Departures
Based upon our District’s education and community needs, values and priorities, the School District has determined that absences, tardiness and early departures will be considered excused or unexcused according to the following standards.
- Excused: An absence, tardiness or early departure may be excused if due to personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads due to inclement weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations or other such reasons as may be approved by the Board of Education’s designee.
- Unexcused: An absence, tardiness or early departure is considered unexcused if the reason for the lack of attendance does not fall into the above categories (e.g., family vacation, hunting, babysitting, haircut, obtaining learner’s permit, road test, oversleeping).
A written excuse, signed by a parent/guardian should be presented by the student when returning to school following each absence.
Student Attendance Recordkeeping/Data Collection
The record of each student’s presence, absence, tardiness and early departure shall be kept in a register of attendance in a manner consistent with Commissioner’s Regulations. An absence, tardiness or early departure will be entered as “excused” or “unexcused” along with the District code for the reason.
Attendance shall be taken and recorded in accordance with the following:
- For students in non-departmentalized grade 1-3 classrooms, such student’s presence or absence shall be recorded after the taking of attendance once per school day, provided that students are not dismissed from school grounds during a lunch period. For purposes of APPR and Teacher-Student Data Linkages (TSDL), classroom attendance for all students K through 12 must be recorded on a subject by subject basis for Teacher of Record Determinations.
- Any absence for a school day or portion thereof shall be recorded as excused or unexcused in accordance with the standards articulated in this policy.
- In the event that a student at any instructional level arrives late for or departs early from scheduled instruction, such tardiness or early departure shall be recorded as excused or unexcused in accordance with the standards articulated in this policy.
A record shall be kept of each scheduled day of instruction during which the school is closed for all or part of the day because of extraordinary circumstances including adverse weather conditions, impairment of heating facilities, insufficiency of water supply, shortage of fuel, destruction of or damage to a school building, or such other cause as may be found satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education.
Attendance records shall also indicate the date when a student withdraws from enrollment or is dropped from enrollment in accordance with Education Law Section 3202(1-a).
At the conclusion of each class period or school day, all attendance information shall be compiled and provided to the designated school personnel who are responsible for attendance. The nature of the absence, tardiness or early departure shall be coded on a student’s record in accordance with the established District/building procedures.
Student Attendance/Course Credit
The District believes that classroom participation is related to and affects a student’s performance and grasp of the subject matter and, as such, is properly reflected in a student’s final grade. For purposes of this policy, classroom participation means that a student is in class and prepared to work.
Consequently, for each marking period a certain percentage of a student’s final grade will be based on classroom participation as well as the student’s performance on homework, tests, papers, projects, etc. as determined by the building administrator and/or classroom teacher.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Consistent with the importance of classroom participation, unexcused student absences, tardiness, and early departures can affect a student’s grade, including credit for classroom participation, for the marking period.
Upon returning to school following a properly excused absence, tardiness or early departure, it shall be the responsibility of the student to complete his/her teacher(s) provided missed work, assignments and/or tests in accordance with the time schedule specified by the teacher(s.)
Notice of Students who are Absent, Tardy or Depart Early Without Proper Excuse
The parent/guardian to a student who is absent, tardy or departs early without proper excuse will receive notice from the school via automated service or phone call. Further, the District’s Attendance Policy will be mailed to the parent/guardian to promote awareness and help ensure compliance with the policy.
If deemed necessary by appropriate school officials, or if requested by the parent/guardian, a school conference shall be scheduled between the parent/guardian and appropriate staff members in order to address the student’s attendance. The student may also be requested to attend this conference in order to address appropriate intervention strategies that best meet the needs of the student.
Disciplinary Consequences
Unexcused absences, tardiness and early departures will result in disciplinary sanctions as described in the District’s Code of Conduct. Consequences may include escalating consequences. Parents/guardians will be notified by designated District personnel at periodic intervals to discuss their child’s absences, tardiness or early departures and the importance of class attendance and appropriate interventions. Individual buildings/grade levels will address procedures to implement the notification process to the parent/guardian.
Intervention Strategy Process
In order to effectively intervene when an identified pattern of unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures occur, designated District personnel will pursue the following:
- Identify specific element(s) of the pattern (e.g., grade level, building, time frame, type of unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures);
- Contact the District staff most closely associated with the element. In specific cases where the pattern involves an individual student, the student and parent/guardian will be contacted;
- Discuss strategies to directly intervene with specific element;
- Recommend intervention to Superintendent or his/her designee if it relates to change in District policy or procedure;
- Implement changes, as approved by appropriate administration;
- Utilize appropriate District and/or community resources to address and help remediate student unexcused absences, tardiness or early departures;
- Monitor and report short and long term effects of intervention.
Appeal Process
A parent/guardian may request a building level review of their child’s attendance record.
Building Review of Attendance Records
The Building Principals will work in conjunction with the building staff in reviewing attendance records periodically. This review is conducted to identify individual and group attendance patterns and to initiate appropriate action to address the problem of unexcused absences, tardiness and early departures.
Annual Review by the Board of Education
The Board of Education shall annually review the building level student attendance records and if such records show a decline in student attendance, the Board shall make any revisions to the Policy and plan deemed necessary to improve student attendance.
Community Awareness
The Board of Education shall promote necessary community awareness of the District’s Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy by:
- Providing a plain language summary of the policy to parents or persons in parental relation to students at the beginning of each school year and promoting the understanding of such a policy to students and their parents/persons in parental relation;
- Providing each teacher, at the beginning of the school year or upon employment, with a copy of the policy; and
- Providing copies of the policy to any other member of the community upon request.
Education Law Sections 3024, 3025, 3202, 3205, 3206, 3210, 3211 and 3213 8 NYCRR Sections 104.1, 109.2 and 175.6
The building is open in the morning by 8:30 a.m. Student activities past 3:35 p.m. are supervised by adults assigned to specific programs. Students must be enrolled in programming to be in school buildings after 3:35 p.m. Custodians will not assume responsibility for supervision of students outside of school hours.
Character education is a learning process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values such as respect, justice, civic virtue and citizenship, and responsibility for self and others. Upon such core values, we form the attitudes and actions that are the hallmark of safe, healthy and informed communities that serve as the foundation of our society.
Monthly Themes
The following are the themes for the school year:
I Can:
- September: Be Safe
- October: Be Respectful
- November: Be Responsible
- December: Be Generous & Be Helpful
- January: Be Safe
- February: Be Respectful
- March: Be Responsible
- April: Be Honest & Courageous
- May: Be A Friend
- June: Be Proud
School principals and staff are committed to keeping students safe from harm and fulfilling the obligation of school officials to report to child protective services when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a student has been abused or maltreated, the district will cooperate with local child protective services workers who wish to conduct interviews of students on school property relating to allegations of suspected child abuse, and/or neglect, or custody investigations.
Work begins in Spring to start preparing the class lists for the following school year. The students are placed so that all the classes will be as evenly balanced as possible.
Consideration is given to both academic and social development. Parents will receive a Parent Input Form for Classroom Placement in the Spring. In completing the form, parents will be able to share important information about the child’s learning style. We do not accept specific teacher requests.
Assigning children to a classroom is a carefully thought-out process collaboratively created by the staff and the principal. Our goal is to create well- balanced classes with an academic range of abilities and social behaviors; the best balance of boys and girls possible and the best match-up of teaching style and student learning style. The class lists are finalized in August. By this time, our records are as close as we can get to what our enrollments will be in September. Notices of room and teacher assignments are mailed to parents in August.
Communication with parents about their child’s individual progress, as well as important news and information about the school and district, is accomplished in a number of ways, including:
- Parent or teacher-initiated contacts at any time during the year;
- Parent Square;
- Class Dojo; Remind
- Open house
- Frequent updates on district website (;
- Occasional notes and letters from teachers;
- Work children bring home;
- PTSA meetings and programs;
There are many decisions made daily in the classrooms. If you have a concern about a teacher’s decision, it is best to make direct contact with the teacher for clarification before involving the principal. If you still have a question or concerns after speaking with the classroom teacher, please contact the principal.
A parent-teacher conference is a two-way exchange of information about a child. Parents play an important role in their child’s education. Parents will be given the option to participate in a conference with teachers twice yearly, with the options of virtual, phone or in-person meetings. Parents are encouraged to attend to discuss with the teacher the child’s interest, attitude, progress and concerns at home and/or school.
Half-days are set aside in the school calendar for K-5 parent-teacher conferences, with UPK holding full day conference days. On half days, kindergarten bus students will begin dismissal at 12:00 and kindergarten parent pick-ups will be dismissed at 12:10.
Conferences for Kindergarten are scheduled for the following dates: December: 6, 7, 8, 9
March: 21, 22, 23, 24
Conferences for UPK are scheduled for the following dates:
December: 8, 9
March: 23, 24
Conferences are scheduled to last 20 minutes. If additional time is needed, please ask your child’s teacher for a longer appointment. Teachers may also schedule conferences before and after school, if necessary. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please notify the teacher promptly.
Open House
Each Fall, we have an evening Open House for parents. This will be on September 1st at 3:00.
- To give parents and teachers the opportunity to interact;
- To give teachers the opportunity to present an overview of the year’s program and share thoughts about standards; and
- To give parents the opportunity to ask questions and become actively involved in the school.
Report Cards
The Kindergarten Center has a trimester schedule for report cards. Report cards will be provided in December and March during scheduled conference times. At conference time your child’s teacher will share a listing of the skills that are needed to meet each Academic Learning Target. The June report card will be sent home with students on the last day of school.
Chromebook Use
HFCSD is pleased to offer our students individual access to Chromebooks in grades K-5 for school and/or home use. They are provided to enhance, enrich and facilitate teaching and deeper learning. Chromebooks are to be used for school related use, curriculum support, research, communications and other instructional purposes. We believe the advantages to having access to digital resources far outweigh any disadvantages to not providing access to technology in the school environment. To that end, students and staff have participated in appropriate trainings and use Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies to help facilitate the use of technology in the classroom. Additionally, filtering is in place to both monitor and ensure student online safety when accessing information from the Internet.
The following guidelines are provided to help manage the use of this equipment. These guidelines apply to Chromebooks owned by HFCSD.
- Chromebooks used by school district students remain the legal property of HFCSD.
- Before a Chromebook is issued, the student and parent must sign the HFCSD Chromebook User Agreement, as well as the HFCSD Acceptable Use Policy. Both the User Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy will remain on file with IT Administration. A copy of the policy and agreement are located in the back of the handbook, and must be submitted by the indicated due date.
- In the event of problems with the Chromebook, the user will immediately bring it to the attention of the teacher.
Guidance services are available for every student in the school. These services include assistance with home, school and/or social concerns, or any question the student may feel he/she would like to discuss with his/her counselor.
School Counselor KC/PS: Jenna Middleton 518 681 2699
If there is an issue with the custody of your child, please be sure that current, updated custody papers are on file with the district registrar and in the school office. District Registrar: Donna Waite 518 681 4279
Any identifiable image, photo or video which implicates a student to have been in possession or presence of drugs or portrays actual use, or out of character behavior of crime, shall be confirmation of a violation of the code. Since there may be no way to establish a timeframe for when or location of where the image was taken, it shall be a responsibility that the student must assume. It must also be noted that there may be persons, who would attempt to implicate a student, by taking such images, to place them in a situation where they might be in violation of this code standard. This is the rationale for demanding that our students not place themselves in such environments and situations.
All students have the right to attend school without being subjected to instances of harassment or discrimination. Students who feel that they have been harassed or discriminated against should report any incidents to the Dignity Act Coordinator or school offices immediately.
Melissa Whitman, Kindergarten Center Dignity Act Coordinator
Consequences for Code of Conduct Infractions
Students will be assigned consequences based on age and developmental level as appropriate based on infraction. A matrix of possible consequences is included in this handbook. Consequences are assigned at the discretion of the building administrator.
Out of School Suspension
Suspension from school is a severe penalty, which may be imposed only upon students who are insubordinate, disorderly, violent or disruptive, or whose conduct otherwise endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of others.
The Board retains its authority to suspend students, but places primary responsibility for the suspension of students with the Superintendent and the Principals. Any staff member may recommend to their respective Principal that a student be suspended. All staff members must immediately report and refer a violent student to the Principal or his/her designee for a violation of the code of conduct. All recommendations and referrals shall be made in writing unless the conditions underlying the recommendation or referral warrant immediate attention. In such cases a written report is to be prepared as soon as possible by the staff member recommending the suspension.
The Superintendent, Principal, or their designee, upon receiving a recommendation or referral for suspension or when processing a case for suspension, shall gather the facts relevant to the matter and record them for subsequent presentation, if necessary.
Discipline for Students with Disabilities
It may be necessary to suspend, remove from class or otherwise discipline students with disabilities to address disruptive or problem behavior. The principal will review the IEP, and if necessary, consult with the Chairperson for Special Education prior to enacting any discipline to ensure that the procedures followed for suspending, removing from class or otherwise disciplining students with disabilities are consistent with the procedural safeguards required by applicable laws and regulations.
All parents need to complete a Parent Pick-Up Information Sheet stating which adults are allowed to pick their child up from school. Each day the school will check photo ID’s to ensure the proper adult is picking up the correct student. Adults will need to sign their child out daily at parent pick-up. If you would like to have your child be a parent pick-up you need to call the office prior to 2:30. Students riding the bus will be dismissed from their classrooms at the assigned time to report to the appropriate location to be bussed home.
Hudson Falls Primary School students have always displayed common sense and good taste in the matter of dress. Occasionally, however, the question arises as to what is and what is not appropriate to wear to school. The New York State Commissioner of Education has established the following guidelines:
- Decency (no revealing attire)
- Health (no soiled/dirty clothing)
- Safety (footwear)
- Clothing which is disruptive or interferes with the educational process will not be permitted to be worn by students in school or on school premises (profanity, offensive messages, promotion of drugs, alcohol, tobacco)
- Certain insignias designated or inferred as inappropriate or obscene or in bad taste will not be permitted
- Hats, hoods, or other headgear (visors, scarves, bandanas) will not be permitted during the school day
Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item, and if necessary or practical replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to discipline as appropriate. Any student who repeatedly fails to comply with the dress code shall be subject to further discipline in the form of escalating consequences.
The Building Principal shall be responsible for informing all students and their parents of any revisions to the dress code made during the school year.
New York State law requires a number of drills be completed in each school building, in multiple formats.
Fire/Evacuation Drills
Students must follow the directions of the staff member they are assigned to during these situations. Periodic fire drills are required by state law. Diagrams are posted in each room giving evacuation procedures to follow in an emergency. Please observe the following points during a fire drill: (1) Lights out. (2) Windows closed and doors closed and locked. (3) Walk rapidly. Books should be left in the room. The use of cellphones and electronic devices during fire drills is prohibited.
Lockdown/Shelter In Place
Students must follow the directions of the staff member they are assigned to during these situations. Staff members will instruct students of protocols as laid out in the school building safety plan. The use of cellphones and electronic devices during lockdown/shelter in place is prohibited.
A well hydrated brain is proven to develop increased brain functioning and capacity. Students are allowed to carry a bottle of water with them throughout the day to help promote healthy living and brain development.
Students may not use personal electronic devices during the school day. Examples of such devices are cameras, digital cameras, cell phones, iPods, iPads, or any other type of telecommunications or imaging device. If students bring these items they must be turned off and stored in their cubbies during the day. In the case that a student’s personal item such as a cellphone, iPod, or other item is thought to have been used to violate the school’s code of conduct, the administration reserves the right to search those items to investigate the incident.
A blanket field trip permission form is included in the front of this booklet. This eliminates the need for a permission form each time a class takes a field trip. You will be notified in advance of the destination and purpose of all trips. Please complete and return this form as soon as possible.
Students are expected to demonstrate exemplary behavior while away from school on a field trip. Students who have caused serious problems are habitual behavior problems or who have fallen far behind in their academics may have to remain at school in an alternate setting. You will be notified in advance if your child will not be attending a field trip with their class.
Chaperones must be an adult family member. When you volunteer to chaperone a field trip, or other school events, you are accepting the responsibility to accompany and supervise the behavior of the students assigned to you. Siblings of the student are not permitted to attend with a chaperone as this presents a distraction from the role of the chaperone. All chaperones are expected to act responsibly and in the best interest of the class.
The responsibilities of a chaperone are:
- Chaperones may be asked to drive their own vehicles to the site of the field trip. 2. Chaperones will supervise a group of children and report problems or needs to the teacher as they arise. Guests and other children are not permitted to attend the field trip.
- The ultimate responsibility for the children rests with the classroom teacher. It is solely the prerogative of the teacher to determine the chaperones needed for each field trip.
- All school rules are in effect on field trips. Chaperones should act as models of good behavior and conduct. There is no smoking on field trips.
School Requirements
Since field trips are educational activities, a child who does not attend because a parent declines to give permission must attend school. The child will be assigned to another classroom for the day.
Field trip expenses are kept to a minimum. Children may bring their own lunch on the day of the trip or will be provided a bag lunch by the cafeteria to take with them. If an admission fee presents a hardship, the parent should contact the principal. We never want a child to miss an opportunity and will confidentially provide assistance.
We prefer that all children return to school after the trip with the class. We ask that chaperones not plan to remain at the field trip site with his/her child, since it creates an unfair situation for the rest of the class. If a parent must take the child home at the conclusion of the trip we must have a note from the parent/guardian. Also, parents/guardians may take only their children and may not take other classmates.
Our school nurses have a multi-faceted role within the school setting, one that supports the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process. Our nurses provide a variety of school health services, functions and programs. These services are based upon current evidence, best practices and professional school nursing standards.
School Nurses: Sharon Mead, RN & Shannon Patrick, LPN: 518 681 4501
Student/Parent/Contact Information
A Student/Parent/Contact Information form is sent home with students at the beginning of the school year. Parents are required to provide emergency contact information, which may include friends or relatives to be called in case of illness or injury if the parents cannot be reached. This form gives the school written permission to call the emergency contact(s) listed, as necessary. It is important to inform the school of changes to contact information. If you cannot be contacted, the school may not release your child to anyone other than the person or persons listed in case of emergency.
Medication Policy
New York State Education Department Guidelines state that ALL medications, including over-the-counter medications, given at school, require the following:
- Written order from your child’s physician stating the name of the medication, dosage, frequency and time of administration;
- Written statement from the parent or guardian requesting administration of the medication in school; (forms are in the health office) and can also be found here:
- Delivery of the medication to the health office by parent or guardian in a properly labeled original pharmacy container. Students are NOT allowed to carry medications to and from school.
- Medications must be picked up at the end of the school year or will be destroyed.
Physical Exam Requirements
New York State law requires that each child in a school district have a health examination including body mass index before entering school for the first time, and again in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. A physical exam performed since 9/6/2021 is acceptable for the 2022/2023 school year. All forms are due by October. Please send in a copy of this health appraisal form or have your doctor’s office fax a copy to the Health Office at 518-681-4530. If such an examination is not provided, the school is required by law to provide the exam at the school’s expense. Our school physician will complete a physical exam for students who have not provided proof of a physical examination. Please notify the Health Office if you do not wish for your child to receive a physical examination in school. Parents/guardians will be notified in writing regarding upcoming scheduled physicals.
Body Mass Index
New York State Education Law requires that body mass index (BMI) and weight status category be included as part of the student’s required school health examination. The BMI helps the student’s medical provider know if the student’s weight is in a healthy range or is too high or too low. School districts are required to submit summary information on weight status category to the New York State Department of Health to help health officials develop programs to improve children’s health. No personally identifiable student information will be sent. If you choose to opt out of the summary for your child, please contact your school’s health office.
Immunization Requirements
Section 2164 of the New York State Public Health law requires that parents provide evidence of their child’s vaccination status or medical exemption before he/she can be admitted to school. (On June 13, 2019, NYS invalidated all religious exemptions for immunizations.) Evidence of the immunizations must be in the form of one of the following:
- An immunization certificate signed by your healthcare provider
- Immunization Registry report from your healthcare provider or county health department OR
- A blood test lab report that proves your child is immune to the disease (this is applicable to only a few diseases)
Children who do not meet the State requirement will be denied admission into school starting September 21, 2022 until they are designated “in process” or fully immunized. Required Immunizations for Grades K – 5
Immunization Number of Doses* |
Polio 3-4* |
Hepatitis B 3 |
Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (Dtap) 3-5* |
Measles/Mumps/Rubella 2 |
Varicella (Chickenpox) 2 |
*Must be given at correct intervals based on age
Dental Certificates
New York State Education Law 903, Chapter 281, permits schools to request a dental examination report for all newly enrolled students. Dental Health Certificates are to be completed by the child’s dentist. Completed certificates should be sent/faxed to your school nurse.
School Health Screenings
New York State Education Law, (Article 19, Section 905), and the Commissioner’s Regulations, Section 136.3, requires that schools provide the following health screenings:
Vision screening for all newly enrolled students, including color perception, distance acuity, near vision; in addition, all students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11 will be screened for distance acuity and near vision. Vision screenings may be conducted any time that it is deemed necessary.
Hearing screening for all newly enrolled students, as well as for students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11 and any time deemed necessary.
Parents/guardians will be notified if there are any concerns during their child’s screening. Results of all screenings will be documented in the student’s school health record.
Application of Sunscreen for Outdoor Activities
Protecting skin from the sun during childhood and adolescence is very important in reducing the risk of skin cancer in adulthood. Please plan accordingly in order to protect your child’s skin during end-of-year activities, extended outdoor activities and full-day outdoor field trips. If you would like to have your child wear sunscreen during the outdoor activities, please send in a labeled bottle with a written note giving permission for them to apply sunscreen to themselves. Students may NOT apply sunscreen to others or give to other students to apply. If your student is unable to apply the sunscreen themselves, they may be assisted by staff only (not chaperones or other students) with a note from a parent/guardian allowing staff to apply the sunscreen. Please note: Due to allergies and sensitivities, some staff are unable to apply sunscreen.
Dismissal For Illness or Injury During School
All students who are ill or injured must be dismissed through the health office. Students are encouraged to report to the health office any illness or injury that occurred at school.
The facilities in school are not designed to take care of ill or injured students for any length of time. Parents/guardians are expected to make arrangements to have their ill or injured child picked up at school.
Food Allergies and Food Intolerances
Food allergies and food intolerant students will only consume foods sent in from home or provided/purchased from HFCSD Nutrition Services. Individual classrooms and common areas frequented by students (libraries, computer labs, etc.) will be deemed an allergy-free area and no student or staff will be allowed to bring in that allergen to be consumed in that classroom/area. This pertains to snacks and celebrations. There is no limit to the food options for non-allergic students for their consumption of lunch in the cafeteria. If you would like to send in some snacks or goodies to be used during parties, etc., please contact your child’s teacher about sending in these items.
School breakfast and lunch are available to all students on a daily basis free of charge. Our district participates in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). The CEP allows our schools to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students.
Lunches From Home
Please label your child’s lunch box or bag with a first and last name and current teacher’s name. Lunches are often left on buses or in the cafeteria. If your child leaves a lunch at home, please have it brought to school before the child’s regularly scheduled lunch time, if possible.
Our school has an active PTSA. We encourage you to become actively involved. The PTSA has a web page that you can access from the district website: ; click on the Parent tab and then click on the UPK-5 PTSA.
Designated areas are provided for visitor parking. Please do not park in areas designated for buses. The areas in front of the building designated for buses must not be used to pick-up or drop-off students from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. and from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Parents must come into the building to pick up children with a photo ID.
All students are required to participate in physical education (PE) and be equipped with acceptable footwear while refraining from wearing dangling jewelry in PE class. The PE teacher will specify the guidelines for these points. If a student does not have appropriate equipment they will be allowed to participate, with a possible reduction in grade.
School principals and staff are committed to cooperating with police officials and other law enforcement authorities to maintain a safe school environment. Police officials, however, have limited authority to interview or search students in schools or at school functions, or to use school facilities in connection with police work. Police officials may enter school property or a school function to question or search a student only if criteria set forth in the District’s Code of Conduct are met.
Students are required to secure items such as backpacks, briefcases, drawstring backpacks, purses, lunchboxes, pocketbooks, musical instruments, etc. in their cubbies and may not be carried during the school day. The school will not be held responsible for recovering or replacing any stolen articles. In the case that a student’s personal item such as a cellphone, iPod, or other item is thought to have been used to violate the school’s code of conduct, the administration reserves the right to search those items to investigate the incident. Students with specific medical or personal reasons requiring a backpack or other item not normally allowed should see the principal.
School principals and staff are committed to providing an orderly, respectful environment that is conducive to learning. To create and maintain this kind of an environment, it is necessary to regulate public conduct on school property and at school functions. All persons on school property or attending a school function shall be appropriately dressed and required to conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. The Principal or his/her designee shall be responsible for monitoring public conduct. Those who fail to meet reasonable requests will be asked to leave the property.
If you move out of the Hudson Falls Central School District, you must enroll your child immediately in the new district. All records will be forwarded to the new school upon receipt of a request for records. Education law requires children to attend school in the district of residency of the parent(s) or guardian(s).
Bus transportation and bus assignments are arranged through the Hudson Falls Central School District Transportation Department. A statement regarding bus pick-up and drop-off locations is mailed prior to the beginning of the school year. Please be aware that our school district does not transport students for birthday parties, sleepovers, play dates, girl/boy scouts, 4H, etc.
Transportation Department: Extension: 4550
Bus Safety
Maintaining safety on the bus is a primary concern of our Transportation Department. Students are to conduct themselves in a manner so that all bus rides will be a positive experience for everyone. Any misbehavior that distracts the driver jeopardizes the safety of all passengers. The Policy on School Conduct and Discipline provides additional information regarding the follow through of conduct on school transportation. It is important that you take some time with your child and review the importance of the following rules:
- Stay in your assigned seat;
- Obey the driver’s instruction;
- Use appropriate, polite language;
- Refrain from fighting;
- Refrain from harassing other students;
- Never throw objects about the bus.
Students who do not abide by these rules will be cited on a School Bus Incident Report. This report is sent to the building administrator who will follow the district Policy on School Conduct and Discipline when reviewing the incident.
The Special Education & Student Support Services Department provides a wide range of services for students in the district, including support services in general education and special education.
Child Study Team
The Child Study Team meets monthly to discuss and make recommendations for students who require additional supports.
School Social Workers
Social workers provide individual and group counseling and case management services and make recommendations for students’ behavior management plans. Social Worker, Mrs. Brittany Beaver 518 681-4529
Committee on Special Education
Besides these services, referrals can be made to the Committee on Special Education if a student is suspected of having a disability. The committee arranges for an evaluation of the student’s abilities and needs. Based on the evaluation results, the committee decides if the student is eligible to receive special education services and programs.
Director for Special Education, Mrs. Justine Miles; 518 681 4263
Assistant Director for Special Education, Mrs. Lori Johnson; 518 681 4151
CSE Chairperson, Mrs. Vicky Peterson 518 681 4453
CPSE Chairperson, Ms. Melissa Whitman 518 681-4511
Proper school behavior cannot be over-emphasized. Students that provide misinformation and/or refuse to take responsibility for his/her own behavior may be assigned additional consequences. Students that commit violent or illegal infractions may not be afforded verbal warnings. Guidelines outlining the possible consequences resulting due to various infractions are listed below. School principals hold discretionary rights when assigning consequences, and will take into consideration the age and grade level of the student/s as well as other pertinent information specific to the situation.
Kindergarten Center Discipline Matrix
Tier 1 Interventions
Behavior |
1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd and 4th Offense |
Lunch Referral ● Throwing food ● Peer conflict ● Voice Level 3 or higher ● Not listening to adults staff in the cafeteria |
A warning to the student A conversation with the A conversation with the student about behavior. student about student about student about behavior about behavior (using the PBIS book). A student receives a (using the PBIS book). PBIS book gets sent cafeteria note that goes PBIS book gets sent home with students. home. home with students. A student receives a A student receives a cafeteria notes that cafeteria notes that goes home. goes home. A student must go into the cafeteria during a non instructional time to practice the rules of the cafeteria. |
Bus Referral ● Peer conflict ● Not following directions ● Unsafe |
A conversation with the A conversation with the A conversation with the student student about behavior student about behavior (using about behavior (using the PBIS (using the PBIS book). the PBIS book). book). PBIS book gets sent home The PBIS book gets sent The PBIS book gets sent home with student home with students. with students. Call home about referral Call home about referral Call home about referral Practice bus behavior during Practice bus behavior during a a non instructional time. non instructional time. |
Classroom Referral (3 reteach lessons) ● Disrespect ● Not Following Directions ● Work refusal |
A conversation with the A conversation with the A conversation with the student student about behavior student about behavior (using about behavior (using the PBIS (using the PBIS book). the PBIS book). PBIS book book). PBIS book gets sent home PBIS book gets sent home gets sent home with students. with students. with student Call home about referral Call home about referral Call home about referral Practice the correct behavior Practice the correct behavior during a non instructional during a non instructional time. time. Teacher Consequence: ● Loss of recess time, Teacher Consequence: controlled recess, ● Loss of recess time, social stories, controlled recess, social behavior charts, stories, behavior charts, notes home. notes home. |
Tier 2 Interventions
Behavior |
1st Offense |
2nd Offense 3rd and 4th Offense |
Lunch Referral ● Continue tier 1 behaviors ● Fighting ● Physical aggression ● Spitting ● Use of profanity ● Threat to adult or student |
The student will have a special seating “manner’s table” for two days. The student will verbally apologize to the cafeteria staff. Call home about a referral. |
The student will have a The student will have special special seating “manner’s seating “manner’s table” for table” for five days. seven days. The student will verbally The student will verbally apologize apologize to the cafeteria to the cafeteria staff. staff. Call home about a referral. Call home about a referral. |
Bus Referral ● Continue tier 1 behaviors ● Fighting ● Physical aggression ● Spitting ● Use of profanity ● Threat to adult or student |
Parent Contact is made to discuss concerns. Alternate seating will occur. Student will practice bus behavior during a non instructional time. |
Parent Contact is made to Parent Contact is made to discuss discuss concerns. concerns. Alternate seating will occur. Alternate seating will occur. Student will practice bus Student will practice bus behavior behavior during a non during a non instructional time. instructional time. Student will be escorted onto the Student will be escorted onto bus for an apology. the bus for an apology. Social Story will be read everyday prior to riding the bus. |
Classroom Referral (3 reteach lessons) ● Continue tier 1 behaviors ● Stealing ● Aggressive behavior ● Extreme peer conflict |
The student will receive support through the social workers office. A calm down reflection sheet will be completed. A call home about referral. |
The student will receive The student will receive support support through the social through the social workers office. workers office. A calm down reflection sheet will A calm down reflection sheet be completed. will be completed. A call home about referral. A call home about referral. CST Referral ICMP |
Tier 3 Interventions
Behavior |
1st Offense 2nd Offense |
Lunch Referral ● Continue tier 1 and 2 behaviors ● Extreme behaviors |
Parent contact is made, a meeting is Parent contact is made, a meeting is scheduled to scheduled to take place with the parents. take place with the parents. Alternative lunch arrangements will be Alternative lunch arrangements will be made. made. |
Bus Referral ● Continue tier 1 and 2 behaviors ● Extreme behaviors |
Parent contact is made, a meeting is Parent contact is made, a meeting is scheduled to scheduled to take place with the parents. take place with the parents. Alternative bussing arrangements will be made. |
Classroom Referral (3 reteach lessons) ● Continue tier 1 and 2 behaviors ● Extreme behaviors (fighting, threats towards other, property damage) |
Parent contact is made, a meeting is Parent contact is made, a meeting is scheduled to scheduled to take place with the parents. take place with the parents. CST meeting to determine new strategies. Observation with behaviorists if possible. |
There will be no video recording of parent-teacher-administrator or student conferences, any meetings between a parent or student and teacher or administrators, or classroom and other school activities unless pre-approved by the teacher or administrator involved. However, this shall not preclude any statutory right to record public meetings at the school district, a meeting of the Committee on Special Education by the parent involved, or activities required by the student’s individualized education program.
Parents and other district citizens are encouraged to visit the school when appointments have been made with specific staff members. Since schools are a place of work and learning, however, certain limits must be set for such visits. As part of this, we ask that teacher meetings and other appointments be scheduled before or after school hours if possible. The Principal or his/her designee is responsible for all persons in the building and on the grounds.
Parents and eligible students have the following rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: (FERPA):
- The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records. 2. The right to exercise a limited control over other people’s access to the student’s educational record.
- The right to seek to correct the student’s educational records in a hearing if necessary.
- The right to report violations of FERPA rights.
- The right to be informed about FERPA rights.
All rights and protections given to parents under FERPA and this policy transfer to the student when the student reaches age 18 or enrolls in a post-secondary school. The student then becomes an eligible student.
No student shall be denied membership or participation on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex in any program or activity which is included in a school program of curricular or extra-curricular activities, provided that:
- In the case of students with disabilities, such activity shall be appropriate to a student’s special educational needs as identified by the Committee on Special Education.
- Male and female participation in extracurricular and athletic activities shall be in accordance with the provisions set forth by law.
For the security and safety of our students, staff and visitors, this facility employs camera surveillance equipment for security purposes on school grounds and in school buses. This equipment may or may not be monitored at any time.
For the security and safety of our students, staff and visitors, this facility allows searches by law enforcement canines. School staff will cooperate fully with law enforcement officials as long as the criteria in the Code of Conduct are met.
Sexual harassment is a violation of law and stands in direct opposition to District policy. Therefore, the District prohibits all forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Any student, or parent/guardian of a student who believes that he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment shall report all incidents of such conduct to the Title IX compliance officer or his/her designee (or any administrator) through informal and/or formal complaint procedures developed by the school. All such reports will be held in the strictest confidence.
Dignity for All Students Act Coordinators (DACs)
Melissa Whitman
518 681-4511
Child Abuse Prevention Programming
In the month of January, abuse prevention programs will be taking place in the Kindergarten classrooms. Child sexual abuse prevention programs in grades K-6 have been mandated by the New York State Education Department since 1985 and are taught to all children as a personal safety lesson.
Brittany Beaver, our school social worker, will be teaching the lessons. The overall goal of the program is to help people recognize and deal with potentially dangerous situations. It encourages open communication with one’s family and emphasizes family safety rules.
It is recommended that you talk to your child about what he or she learned from the program. Create openings for discussion by asking whether he or she has questions or concerns. One of the most harmful effects on children who are being abused is when they are not believed or helped to stop the abuse. Mrs. Beaver is available to provide support to parents wishing to continue this important discussion with their child beyond the program at school. All services are free and confidential. We appreciate your support in our continuing efforts to promote child safety and allowing students to learn such important skills necessary to secure their safety.
Please feel free to contact the Brittany Beaver with requests to view program material in advance of the presentation, as well as any questions or concerns.
Brittany Beaver, LCSW 518 681 4526