March 2025
- 25: Kindergarten Classroom Awarded Grant From The Under the Woods Foundation
- 21: Talking HF Tigers 3/21
- 18: Spring Musical Ticket Information
- 14: Talking HF Tigers 3/14
- 7: Talking HF Tigers 3/7
- 4: High School Class Looking For Vietnam Veterans
- 28: Talking HF Tigers 2/28
- 14: Talking HF Tigers 2/14
- 7: Talking HF Tigers 2/7
- 5: Small Cafe Creates Big Impact
- 31: Talking HF Tigers 1/31
- 28: Chief School Officers Outline 2025-26 Legislative Priorities
- 24: Talking HF Tigers 1/24
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 1/17
- 10: Talking HF Tigers 1/10
- 7: 2-Hour Late Arrival For Students on 1/9
- 6: Help The IS Backpack Program
- 20: Talking HF Tigers 12/20
- 17: NYS Assemblyman Matt Simpson Visits HFCSD
- 16: Hudson Falls Seniors Educate Administrators at Leadership Luncheon
- 13: Talking HF Tigers 12/13
- 10: Weather Emergency Procedures
- 6: Talking HF Tigers 12/6
- 3: Tigers Help Tigers For Thanksgiving
- 26: Talking HF Tigers Thanksgiving Video Edition
- 23: Jenna Dunbar Advances Science Research Project
- 22: Talking HF Tigers 11/22
- 21: New HFCSD Contact Guide
- 15: Talking HF Tigers 11/15
- 8: Talking HF Tigers 11/8
- 7: HF Community Run 4 Kids
- 6: HFHS Senior Jenna Dunbar Wins Scholarship
- 4: SUNY Adirondack Instant Admission Event
- 1: Talking HF Tigers 11/1
- 25: Talking HF Tigers 10/25
- 22: Wall of Distinction and National Honor Society Inductions 11/3
- 18: Talking HF Tigers 10/18
- 17: HFCSD Hosting Third Annual Trunk or Treat 10/26
- 16: Halloween Parade Information
- 11: Talking HF Tigers 10/11
- 11: Middle School Spirit Week
- 11: High School Spirit Week
- 9: Sports Officials Needed
- 4: Hudson Falls Students Show at World’s
- 4: Talking HF Tigers 10/4
- 1: A New Look For Learning
- 30: Schedule Change For October 11, 2024
- 27: Talking HF Tigers 9/27
- 20: Talking HF Tigers 9/20
- 19: Intermediate School Gets Balloon Fest Sneak Preview
- 13: Talking HF Tigers 9/13
- 11: Meet the “New” SRO
- 9: 2025 Senior Yearbook Information
- 6: Talking HF Tigers 9/6
- 2: Required Immunizations Deadline 2024-2025 School Year
- 28: Back to School Guide
- 22: History Teacher Brings Lost Story of a local Veteran to International Attention
- 21: Hudson Falls Ag Program Hosts First Official FFA Booth
- 15: 2024-2025 Breakfast and Lunch Services
- 9: PS Open House
- 5: HFCSD supports the community 12 months a year with activities and programs for all ages
- 10: Hudson Falls UPK to Offer Full Day
- 29: Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony
- 28: Talking HF Tigers 6/28
- 26: Graduation Ceremony Update
- 26: Summer Feeding Program Starts July 8th
- 24: Senior and Junior Class Award Recipients
- 21: Talking HF Tigers 6/21
- 14: Talking HF Tigers 6/14
- 7: Talking HF Tigers 6/7
- 31: Talking HF Tigers 5/31
- 23: Talking HF Tigers 5/23
- 22: High School to Introduce Revised Schedule for 2024-2025
- 21: 2024-25 Budget Passes
- 20: Celebration of the Arts 5/21
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 5/17
- 16: May 21st: School Budget Vote
- 14: MS Students Hosting Fundraiser Saturday, May 18
- 10: Talking HF Tigers 5/10
- 4: Spring Concert Schedule and Performances
- 3: Talking HF Tigers 5/3
- 3: Meet the BOE Candidates
- 26: Talking HF Tigers 4/26
- 19: Talking HF Tigers 4/19
- 12: Talking HF Tigers 4/12
- 11: HFCSD Hosted Remote Area Medical Clinic
- 3: Hudson Falls CSD Open April 8, Day of Solar Eclipse
- 1: HFCSD Invites Community Based Organizations to Submit UPK Proposals
- 28: Talking HF Tigers 3/28
- 28: Solar Eclipse Eye Safety
- 28: Hudson Falls community members approve capital project proposal
- 27: Capital Improvement Project Proposal 2024
- 22: The Sound of Music Saturday Performance Canceled: Sunday a Go!
- 22: Talking HF Tigers 3/22
- 15: Talking HF Tigers 3/15
- 8: Talking HF Tigers 3/8
- 1: Talking HF Tigers 3/1
- 1: Community-Based Organizations Invitation to UPK Informational Session
- 28: Wall of Distinction 2024 Call for Nominations
- 16: Talking HF Tigers 2/16
- 9: Talking HF Tigers 2/9
- 6: Act Now to Support School Funding
- 2: Talking HF Tigers 2/2
- 26: Talking HF Tigers 1/26
- 19: Talking HF Tigers 1/19
- 16: A Note From the Health Office
- 12: Talking HF Tigers 1/12
- 5: Talking HF Tigers 1/5
- 20: Talking HF Tigers 12/20
- 20: Family Dollar Generosity
- 19: High School Student Council Presents Holiday Windows
- 15: Talking HF Tigers 12/15
- 12: Auditorium Dedication on 12/13/23
- 8: Talking HF Tigers 12/8
- 1: Talking HF Tigers 12/1
- 30: Food For Thought
- 29: High School Student Council In the Spirit of Giving
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 11/17
- 17: HFMS Basket Raffle
- 17: Stuff the Cruiser
- 16: Picture Retakes
- 13: How to Stay Connected
- 9: Early Edition Talking HF Tigers 11/9
- 3: Talking HF Tigers 11/3
- 2: Emergency Release Day 2023
- 27: Talking HF Tigers 10/27
- 23: Hang-up and Drive Assembly
- 20: Talking HF Tigers 10/20
- 19: Wall of Distinction and National Honor Society Inductions 11/5
- 18: Operation Santa Claus
- 16: Affordable Connectivity Program
- 13: Talking HF Tigers 10/13
- 6: Talking HF Tigers 10/6
- 5: HFCSD Hosting Second Annual Trunk or Treat 10/28
- 4: Care Solace- New Mental Health Care Service
- 3: FEMA and FCC to Conduct Nationwide Test on 10/4/2023
- 29: Talking HF Tigers 9/29
- 26: High School to Healthcare
- 22: Talking HF Tigers 9/22
- 20: Intermediate School Receives “Hot” Science Lesson
- 20: SNAP P-EBT For Families
- 19: Immunization Requirements for 2023-2024
- 15: Talking HF Tigers 9/15
- 14: First Dance of the Year Information
- 13: Picture Day Information
- 8: Early Childhood and Special Education Course Offerings
- 8: Talking HF Tigers 9/8
- 1: Welcome Back Video
- 30: A Special Message From Superintendent Ward
- 23: Building Hours
- 16: Freshman Orientation
- 9: Hudson Falls Middle School Open House
- 8: Citizen Preparedness Training Offered at Washington County Fair
- 31: August Regents Information
- 25: Empathy Abounds in HFCSD
- 5: Working Paper Information
- 24: HFCSD Expresses Condolences to the Goodness Family
- 23: Talking HF Tigers 6/23
- 21: Important Graduation Ceremony Update
- 16: Talking HF Tigers 6/16
- 9: Talking HF Tigers 6/9
- 8: Congratulations: Senior and Junior Class Award Recipients
- 2: Talking HF Tigers 6/2
- 26: Talking HF Tigers 5/26
- 26: Jessica Hogan Named High School Principal
- 25: Two HFHS Seniors Honored by AASBA
- 19: Talking HF Tigers 5/19
- 16: Hudson Falls Voters Pass 2023-24 Budget and Propositions
- 16: School Budget and Voter Information
- 15: AP/Honors Information for 8th Graders
- 12: Talking HF Tigers 5/12
- 12: Meet the BOE Candidates
- 9: Summer Drivers Education Information
- 8: Class of 2023 Graduation Information
- 8: Hudson Falls Library May Calendar of Events
- 5: Talking HF Tigers 5/5
- 5: NYS COVID-19 News for Schools
- 28: Talking HF Tigers 4/28
- 27: Hudson Falls CSD to Pursue Energy Efficiency Projects Across All Six Buildings
- 26: High School Students Participate in Save a Life Tour Stop
- 21: Talking HF Tigers 4/21
- 6: Talking HF Tigers 4/6
- 6: Special BOE Budget Meeting moved from 4/6 to 4/13
- 6: Hudson Falls Library April Calendar of Events
- 5: Meet the New SRO
- 31: Talking HF Tigers 3/31
- 31: Tiger Parents We Need Your Help!
- 30: Mr. Bennefield Named Argyle Superintendent
- 29: Message to Families: Supporting Children Following Events in Nashville
- 24: Talking HF Tigers 3/24
- 21: Emma Hammond Receives Post Star Teen Excellence
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 3/17
- 13: 3/14 BOE Meeting Now 100% Virtual
- 10: Talking HF Tigers 3/10
- 9: HFCSD Strategic Planning Project 2023-2028
- 7: Tigers to Take on Battle of the Books
- 3: Talking HF Tigers 3/3
- 28: Hudson Falls Library March Calendar of Events
- 28: Wall of Distinction Request for Nominations
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 2/17
- 16: HFHS Science Research Team Lauded at Regional Competition
- 13: Talking HF Tigers 2/10
- 3: Talking HF Tigers 2/3
- 3: Special Education Virtual Information Sessions
- 27: Talking HF Tigers 1/27
- 20: Talking HF Tigers 1/20
- 20: Zero Block Running Strong
- 19: High School Regents Week Information
- 13: Talking HF Tigers 1/13
- 10: Team Plattsburgh Fundraiser
- 6: Talking HF Tigers 1/6
- 22: Talking HF Tigers 12/22
- 20: Capital Project Update from Mr. Bennefield
- 16: Talking HF Tigers 12/16
- 16: Ag-citing Development
- 9: Talking HF Tigers 12/9
- 8: Generosity Abounds: Thank you, Peckhams Road Corp.
- 2: Talking HF Tigers 12/2
- 29: Winter Concert Schedule
- 28: Annual HFMS PTSO Basket Raffle 12/4
- 22: Thanks and Giving, for Thanksgiving!
- 21: High School Picture Retakes
- 18: Talking HF Tigers 11/18
- 16: Blue Out for Friday, November 18
- 14: Update for the Week of November 14-18 at the Middle School
- 10: Talking HF Tigers 11/10
- 9: Middle School Picture Retakes
- 9: Emergency Release Day 11/10/22
- 8: Participate in our Thought Exchange
- 7: A Special Connection
- 4: Talking HF Tigers 11/4
- 2: High School to Pilot New SAT Testing for 9th and 10th Grade
- 28: Talking HF Tigers 10/28
- 25: Digital Equity Survey
- 21: Talking HF Tigers 10/21
- 20: A Special Message From Principal Bennefield
- 20: When to Keep a Child Home with Illness
- 19: Primary School Family Reading Night
- 18: A Special Message from Principal Whitty
- 17: Financial Aid Workshop for FAFSA
- 14: Talking HF Tigers 10/14
- 14: UPK and Kindergarten Welcome Presentations
- 11: Hudson Falls Library October Calendar of Events
- 7: Talking HF Tigers 10/7
- 6: Halloween Costume Exchange for Families
- 5: High School Pictures
- 4: Kindergarten Center Only School Closure October 5, 2022
- 25: Mark Your Calendars: Open House Schedules
- 23: Talking HF Tigers 9/23
- 20: 7th and 8th Grade Open House Tonight
- 16: Talking HF Tigers 9/16
- 15: Bus Accident 9/15
- 9: Talking HF Tigers 9/9
- 8: Assembly Information for September 14
- 8: Hudson Falls Library September Calendar of Events
- 2: Talking HF Tigers 9/2
- 30: Welcome to the Middle School Night
- 29: High School Freshman Orientation
- 25: Parent/Guardian Immunization Reminder
- 2: Test Drive a Bus
- 2: Hudson Falls Library August Calendar of Events
- 22: Fall Sports Registration Now Open
- 13: Physicals Being Offered for Fall Athletes
- 5: HFCSD Moves to ParentSquare
- 1: Summer Happenings in Washington County
- 1: Hudson Falls Library July Calendar of Events
- 24: Talking HF Tigers 6/24
- 24: Hudson Falls High School Graduation Class of 2022
- 22: 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
- 18: Primary School Clothes for Kids
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 6/17
- 10: Talking HF Tigers 6/10
- 3: Talking HF Tigers 6/3
- 31: Hudson Falls Public Library June Calendar of Events
- 26: Talking HF Tigers 5/26
- 25: High School End-of-Year Activities: Yearbook distribution coming in June
- 25: Message to Families: Supporting Children
- 24: No School Friday, May 27th
- 22: Take our Culture & Climate Survey Now
- 20: Talking HF Tigers 5/20
- 17: Voters Pass 2022-23 Budget
- 17: High School Band and Choir Concert Rescheduled
- 16: Regents Review Schedule
- 13: Talking HF Tigers 5/13
- 10: HFCSD 2022-2023 Budget Plan
- 9: Senior Ashlyn Hutchinson is Attending Global Science Competition
- 6: Talking HF Tigers 5/6
- 5: Hudson Falls Public Library May Calendar of Events
- 29: Talking HF Tigers 4/29
- 26: Special Board Meeting 4/26/2022 (BOCES Annual Budget Vote and Election of Board Members)
- 25: Residents to vote on $49 million budget proposal on May 17
- 21: COVID-19 Information
- 14: Talking HF Tigers 4/14
- 13: Local activities for April Break
- 7: Important Message from the Nurses Office
- 6: HFCSD Hosting Community Services Day 4/9 at Primary School
- 5: Hudson Falls Public Library April Calendar of Events
- 1: Talking HF Tigers 4/1
- 29: HF Students Register Regional Honors at SkillsUSA
- 28: HF Athletics Announces FamilyID
- 25: Talking HF Tigers 3/25
- 24: Primary School to Host Science Night 3/29
- 23: HF Drama Presents: The Drowsy Chaperone 3/25 & 3/26
- 23: The Drowsy Chaperone Ticket Update
- 20: COVID-19 Positive 3/30
- 18: Hudson Falls Library Remainder of March Calendar of Events
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 3/17
- 17: Attendance Campaign to kick off March 21; See the prizes students can win!
- 17: Wall of Distinction 2022 Call for Sponsors
- 16: Women in Trades Opportunities for Hudson Falls Students
- 15: Parent Pick-up and Assembly Information for 3/21 and 3/23
- 11: Talking HF Tigers 3/11
- 9: March Community Wellness Flyer
- 7: Ongoing Health and Safety Reporting Guidelines
- 3: Boys Basketball Semifinals
- 2: Mask mandate lifted (UPDATED GUIDANCE)
- 12: COVID Test Kits Pickup
- 10: Community Wellness Flyer February 2022
- 24: Mask mandate still in effect for schools 1/25
- 14: Talking HF Tigers 1-14
- 20: COVID-19 Positive 12/18-12/20
- 17: COVID-19 Positive 12/17
- 17: Talking HF Tigers 12-17
- 17: Community Wellness Flyer Dec. 17, 2021
- 16: COVID-19 Positive 12/16
- 15: COVID-19 Positive 12/15
- 15: COVID-19 Positive 12/14
- 14: HFCSD celebrates a longtime employee’s retirement
- 13: COVID-19 Positive 12/11-12/13
- 13: COVID-19 Positive 12/10
- 10: Talking HF Tigers 12-10
- 10: Before/After School Academic Help Schedule
- 9: Webinar: COVID-19 Vaccination for Children Ages 5-11
- 8: COVID-19 Positive 12/8
- 7: COVID-19 Positive 12/7
- 7: HFCSD Brings History Alive on the 80th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack
- 6: COVID-19 Positive 12/4-12/6
- 3: COVID-19 Positive 12/3
- 3: Transportation Running on Normal Stops & Schedules 12/6
- 3: Middle School Basket Raffle
- 2: COVID-19 Positive 12/2
- 2: Hudson Falls Library December Calendar of Events
- 1: COVID-19 Positive 12/1
- 30: COVID-19 Positive 11/30
- 30: HFCSD hosts COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Dec. 3 for students ages 5 and older
- 29: COVID-19 Positive 11/24-11/29
- 29: Middle School PTSO December Meeting Info
- 23: COVID-19 Positive 11/23
- 23: Parent-Teacher Conference Changes for PS Families
- 23: Parent-Teacher Conference Changes for IS Families
- 23: Parent-Teacher Conference Changes for KC Families
- 22: COVID-19 Positive 11/22
- 19: COVID-19 Positive 11/19
- 19: Talking HF Tigers 11-19
- 19: COVID-19 Positive 11/18
- 17: COVID-19 Positive 11/17
- 17: Modified Bus Routes Begin 11/18
- 16: Parent Transport Continues for Wed. 11/17/2021
- 16: COVID-19 Positive 11/16
- 16: COVID-19 Positive 11/13-11/15
- 15: Nov 16th Parent Transport Letter
- 15: Buildings to reopen Tuesday, Nov. 16th; parent transportation needed
- 14: Reminder to Parents: Remote Instruction
- 12: COVID-19 Positive 11/11-11/12
- 12: HFCSD 100% Virtual Learning on Monday, Nov 15
- 12: Middle School PTSO Interest Meeting
- 11: All HFCSD Students Remote on 11/12 Due to Staff Shortage
- 11: COVID-19 Positive 11/10
- 9: COVID-19 Positive 11/9
- 9: COVID-19 Positive 11/6-11-8
- 7: COVID-19 Positive 11/5
- 5: Talking HF Tigers 11-5
- 5: After School Activities
- 5: COVID-19 Positive 11/4
- 2: COVID-19 Positive 11/2
- 1: COVID-19 Positive 10/30-11/1
- 29: COVID-19 Positive 10/29
- 29: Talking HF Tigers 10-29
- 28: COVID-19 Positive 10/28
- 28: Hudson Falls Baseball Players Give Back to HF Little League
- 27: COVID-19 Positive 10/27
- 27: Town of Kingsbury Community Survey
- 26: COVID-19 Positive 10/26
- 25: COVID-19 Positive 10/23-10/25
- 25: Board of Education Special Meeting
- 22: COVID-19 Positive 10/22
- 22: Talking Tigers 10-22
- 22: October Thoughtexchange: We want to hear from you!
- 21: COVID-19 Positive 10/21
- 21: MS Team Plattsburgh Blanket Fundraiser
- 21: HF Senior Named Commended Student in NMSC
- 20: COVID-19 Positive 10/20
- 19: COVID-19 Positive 10/19
- 19: Ask a Skidmore Financial Aid Expert Oct. 26 @ 6:30pm
- 18: COVID-19 Positive 10/18
- 17: Intermediate School Student Quarantine
- 15: COVID-19 Positive 10/15
- 14: COVID-19 Positive 10/14
- 14: After School Academic Supports
- 9: COVID-19 Positive 10/8
- 8: MS Spirit Week 2021 Schedule
- 8: COVID-19 Positive 10/7
- 8: HS Tiger Pride Spirit Week Schedule
- 7: COVID-19 Positive 10/3-10/5
- 6: COVID-19 Positive 10/6
- 5: Transition for Families Webinar
- 1: Student-Athlete Spotlight 10-1
- 30: Threat investigated by high school staff
- 27: COVID-19 Positive 9/25-9/27
- 24: COVID-19 Positive 9/23
- 22: COVID-19 Positive 9/22
- 21: COVID-19 Positive 9/21
- 20: Notice of Martindale Avenue Parking Changes
- 20: COVID-19 Positive 9/20
- 20: Understanding the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Families
- 20: Ski & Snowboard Club Info Meetings
- 20: Now Hiring: Teaching Assistants
- 17: COVID-19 Positive 9/17
- 17: Varsity Boys Golf Wins 2021 Foothills Tournament
- 16: COVID-19 Positive 9/16
- 16: Continued COVID Communications
- 16: MS Open House Postponed
- 16: Afterschool assistance programs for middle-schoolers
- 15: COVID-19 Positive 9/15
- 15: New COVID Communication to Parents
- 14: COVID-19 Positive 9/14
- 14: Middle School Parent Night 9/16
- 13: COVID Positive Cases 9/13
- 10: COVID Update 9/10/21
- 9: COVID Positive Cases 9/9
- 8: COVID Positive Case at HF Primary School
- 8: Washington County COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
- 5: HazCom Training Resources
- 1: Pre-K Meet & Greet on Friday, September 3rd
- 19: Reopening Public Presentation 8/24
- 19: Reopening School Public Presentation
- 16: School Supply Lists By School
- 7: COVID-19 Exposure Next Steps
- 30: Updated Mask Guidance 7-30
- 28: 2021-2022 School Year Reopening Update
- 12: HFCSD Seeks Input on Federal Funds Distribution
- 8: Free Summer Sports Physicals for HF Students
- 8: David Winter ’97 Chosen for Capital Region Football HOF
- 1: ARP-ESSER Funding Plan
- 30: Interim Superintendent Jon Hunter Last Day Message
- 30: Summer Instruction COVID-19 Reminders
- 28: Community Pool Hours
- 28: HF Middle School Earns “No Place For Hate” Desigation
- 24: Birds, Bugs & Blossoms Amorak Youth Summer Program
- 24: Talking Tigers Last 2021 Edition
- 22: Summer Program Time Changes
- 21: 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremonies 2021
- 18: HFCSD Recreation Department Covid-19 Procedure 2021
- 17: HFCSD Seeking Coaching Candidates
- 15: Trap Shooting Team Participates in State Tournament
- 9: Parent Academy Launches for College-bound Families
- 7: Important update to HFCSD mask policy
- 6: HFCSD mask requirements remain unchanged at this time
- 2: Chromebook Collection Dates
- 28: 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Changes
- 26: All HF students return to 5 day learning on June 1
- 26: Class of 2021 Honors Graduates
- 25: Hudson Falls Senior Accepted Into Army & Navy Service Academies
- 19: COVID Positive Case Identified at Kindergarten Center & Middle School
- 18: Voters pass 2021-22 budget
- 18: Senior Jack Hogan breaks 40-year old school high jump record
- 17: Masks Still Required in NYS Schools
- 17: Fall Sports Sign Up 2021
- 17: Intermediate School Building Team Parent Rep
- 17: Update: Home COVID-19 Tests & Refusal to Test
- 17: Now Hiring: Director of Athletics, Physical Education, Health, & Wellness
- 13: 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony 2021
- 13: Talking Tigers Podcast Episode 6
- 13: Budget Archive
- 13: 2021-22 School Budget Vote set for 5/18; learn more!
- 11: COVID-19 Positive Case in KC
- 7: Washington County Vaccine Clinics For Ages 16+
- 6: A message from our BOE President regarding the May 18 budget vote
- 5: COVID Update 5/5
- 3: COVID-19 Positive Case Identified at Intermediate School
- 3: 2021-2022 Budget Hearing
- 30: HFCSD Re-Open Plan Community Forum
- 29: Class of 2021 Graduation Plans
- 27: Virtual forum on return to 5-day week
- 25: COVID-19 positive diagnosis in HS community
- 24: NHS Induction Ceremony Postponed
- 23: COVID Positive Cases in HS & PS
- 23: 2021-2022 School Budget Hearing – May 10 @ 7pm
- 23: Boys & Girls Modified Lacrosse Season Canceled
- 22: Return to 5-day in person instruction delayed by community COVID cases
- 21: Talking Tigers Podcast Episode 5: Student Roundtable
- 16: Athletes of the Week 3/12
- 16: IS Pauses in-person learning until at least 4/26
- 16: Athletes of the Week 3/5
- 16: Athletes of the Week 2/26
- 15: COVID-19 Cases Identified in HS, IS Communities
- 12: Three Hudson Falls educators named TCT Federal Credit Union and Adirondack Broadcasting Teacher of the Week
- 12: Hudson Falls Board Intends to Appoint Superintendent
- 1: 30 Ways in 30 Days
- 1: Interim Supt Hunter on NYS Travel Guidelines
- 1: Hudson Falls CSD Hosts Food Distribution Event 4/8
- 26: MS Team Oneonta on PAUSE through spring recess
- 24: Now Hiring: Cook Manager
- 24: Senior Parents Banner Donation Drive
- 23: MS Team Oneonta, PS Class on PAUSE due to COVID-19 Case
- 23: NYS Assessment Letter to Parents & Guardians
- 17: Hudson Falls Board Narrows Superintendent Field to Two
- 16: How to Apply to the Board of Education
- 14: Hudson Falls High School on Remote Learning Due to COVID-19 Positive Case
- 12: Talking Tigers Episode 4: One Year Later
- 9: Flex Friday Changes Coming March 12th
- 5: 8th Grade Parent Night Presentations
- 1: All students return to in-person hybrid learning 3/2
- 28: All HFCSD Students on Remote Learning Monday 3/1
- 25: Trap Shooting Team Seeks Members
- 24: HFCSD residents approve $16.7 million capital improvement project
- 23: High Risk Winter Sports Frequently Asked Questions
- 12: HFMS 8th Grade Yearbook Announcement
- 12: HFMS 6th & 7th Grade Yearbook Announcement
- 10: Bill Strong Appointed Interim Middle School Asst. Principal
- 10: Hudson Falls High School Students Love Their Pets!
- 5: Mrs. Giambrone’s Class Spreads Kindness
- 29: Superintendent Search underway
- 29: HS Reopening Information
- 28: Hudson Falls CSD Reopening 2/1 for In-person Hybrid Learning
- 28: Hudson Falls CSD Following County Guidance on High-Risk Sports
- 26: WSWHE Chief School Officers 2021 Legislative and Budget Priorities
- 24: All HFCSD Students Continue Remote Learning Until 2/1
- 21: All HFCSD Students Return to In-Person Hybrid Learning Jan 25th
- 15: High School Day of the Week Calendar
- 14: Hudson Falls CSD Extends Remote Learning Until At Least Jan. 25th
- 12: Advisory Committees for Superintendent Search
- 7: Congrats December MS Tiger Award Winners
- 7: Attendance Reminder for HS Students
- 6: New Year Letter to Faculty, Staff and Community
- 4: Information for IS Parents Regarding Packet Delivery
- 4: Packet Delivery for January Remote Work
- 2: HFCSD on 100% Remote Learning Until January 19th
- 30: Hudson Falls CSD Extends Remote Learning Due to COVID-19 Positive Cases
- 27: HFCSD Identifies COVID-19 Positive Case at Middle School
- 23: Hudson Falls CSD Identifies COVID-19 Positive Case at Middle School
- 22: School Photo Retakes
- 18: Hudson Falls CSD Launches Text Messaging Reminders for Families
- 17: CLOSED For Weather Thursday December 17th
- 16: Snow Day and Delay Information
- 15: Pre-K Through 8th Grade Students Return to In-person Learning
- 11: Hudson Falls CSD Extends Remote Learning Due to Second COVID Case
- 11: Virtual Academy School Photo Pick up
- 11: Hudson Falls CSD Appoints Will Whitty Middle School Principal
- 11: HFCSD Board of Education adopts resolution for $16.7 million capital project
- 10: Supt. Hunter on NYS Microcluster Initiative
- 9: COVID-19 In-person learning pause update
- 8: High School Students Remote Learning Reminders
- 8: Hudson Falls CSD Moves to Remote Learning Due to COVID Case
- 3: UPK-5 Parent-teacher conference dates
- 30: Interim Superintendent on Community Cases
- 30: 6th Grade PTC Update
- 24: Report Card Update from Principal Jim Bennefield
- 24: Superintendent Hunter on Microcluster Initiative
- 23: Class of 2024 Stocking Stuffer Holiday Cleanup Fundraiser
- 20: Winter Sports Set to Begin December 14th
- 20: Intermediate School Remains Remote Through Thanksgiving Break
- 17: Now Hiring: Building Maintenance Helper
- 17: Intermediate School Parent/Teacher Conference Information
- 17: Primary School Parent/Teacher Conference Information
- 17: UPK & Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conference Information
- 13: COVID-19 Three Day Pause Update
- 12: HFCSD In-person Learning Pause Update
- 12: Grades 1-3 Work From Home Work
- 11: Kindergarten Remote Learning Student Work
- 11: Pre-K Remote Learning Student Work
- 11: Intermediate School Remote Learning Student Work
- 11: MS attendance during 3-day pause
- 11: Attendance and CTE students During 3-day PAUSE
- 11: COVID-19 Positive Cases Identified in HFCSD
- 10: Washington County Health Department Updated Holiday Travel Advisory
- 9: Attendance & Safety Reminder From HFCSD
- 3: COVID-19 Community Case
- 3: Boys Golf Wins Foothills North Championship
- 2: HF Aides & Assistants Raising Dough For Good Cause
- 2: HFCSD Board of Education Seeks Community Input in Superintendent Search
- 30: Washington County COVID-19 Holiday Reminder
- 29: 2020 High School Monthly Calendar
- 28: Changes Coming for MS Students
- 26: New Superintendent Search Survey
- 21: Message to MS/HS Families
- 19: Share your thoughts on the year ahead through ThoughtExchange
- 16: Athlete of the Week October 12
- 16: Athlete of the Week October 5
- 14: 5th Grade Parent Night Presentation
- 14: 4th Grade Parent Night Presentation
- 14: Virtual Academy Student Picture Days
- 13: Lessons Learned During 5 Day Pause
- 8: Parent Night Principal’s Letter
- 8: First Grade Parent Night Presentation
- 8: Second Grade Parent Night Presentation
- 8: Grade 3 Parent Night Presentation
- 7: Pre-K Parent Night Presentation
- 7: Kindergarten Parent Night Presentation
- 6: Return to In-Person Learning Update
- 5: Reminder to Families During Remote Learning Days
- 5: BOCES CTE and New Visions Students Remote Work
- 5: HS Student Picture Days Rescheduled
- 1: HF Moving to Remote Learning Due to COVID Case
- 29: Return to school reminder for parents
- 25: COVID-19 Community Case Update
- 23: Community COVID-19 Case Involves HF Student
- 23: School Board Meeting Schedule Changing
- 22: Virtual Friday Attendance Form
- 18: First week message to community from Interim Superintendent Hunter
- 11: Kindergarten Center Orientation
- 11: Primary School Orientation
- 11: Opening Day Letter to Parents
- 11: First Day of School Information
- 9: Message from HS Principal Jim Bennefield
- 4: High School Frequently Asked Questions
- 4: Frequently Asked Questions – Reopening 2020
- 3: Building Hours 2020-2021
- 2: Early College Career Academy (ECCA) student message
- 28: Virtual Academy Chromebook Distribution
- 27: Welcome Back Students & Families 2020
- 13: School Reopening Question and Answer Sessions
- 3: Dr. Jon Hunter Letter to HFCSD Community
- 29: Transportation Survey for Parents
- 1: Class of 2020 Athletics Awards
- 30: Summer School Materials Pickup Dates
- 25: 2020 Graduation Inclement Weather Plans
- 16: Voters Approve 2020-2021 Budget
- 10: Updated Class of 2020 Graduation Plans
- 8: Virtual Science Symposium 2020
- 5: Class of 2020 Graduation Plans
- 4: Student Belonging Pick-up and Chromebook Return
- 4: STEAM Summer Enrichment 2020
- 3: Varsity Football Meeting Friday, June 5th
- 30: Superintendent Linda Goewey on Graduation Planning
- 14: 2020 School Budget Vote Information
- 12: Board of Education 5-12 Meeting Live Streamed
- 11: Hudson Falls Hires Interim Superintendent
- 8: 2020 Intermediate School T3 Grading Information
- 8: 2020 T3 Primary School Grading Information
- 7: Hudson Falls School District Board of Education Special Meeting
- 7: School Year Grading 2019-2020
- 6: School Budget Vote by Mail June 9th
- 4: School Nurses Can Help Obtain Working Papers
- 28: Help Celebrate Teachers!
- 27: Form for Senior Athletes
- 21: Middle School Students of the Month
- 16: April 16th Update on Extended School Closing
- 15: Board of Education Meeting Held Online
- 15: High School: Letter to Parents from Mr. Bennefield
- 10: April 10th Superintendent Goewey Update
- 9: April 9th School Board Meeting Held Online
- 3: April 3rd Update from Superintendent Linda Goewey
- 2: HFCSD Teachers & Staff Parade Through Streets