Welcome to the Hudson Falls Central School District staff resources page.
Annual Back to School Trainings
All HFCSD Staff and new hires must login to Vector and complete the mandated annual trainings. If you are unable to login, please contact the Help Desk.
Snacks/Treats Submission Form
HFCSD understands the importance of celebrations such as holiday parties, birthday parties, and snacks.
In an effort to create an environment of student safety, the HFCSD has implemented an Allergy Snack Procedure for the entire district while children are in class.
Along with the USDA and the Smart Snack Guide for schools, HFCSD is asking all parents, teachers, and school-related organizations to use the following procedure when supplying a Smart Snack for a celebration.
1) All Allergens for a specific product need to be vetted within the office of Nutrition Services and/or the School Nurse. Our mission is to celebrate in a safe and allergy-free environment for all students and classrooms.
2) Please submit the order form 48 hours prior to the celebration in the classroom. We have compiled a list of Smart Snack School items that meet the USDA guideline for a celebratory snack.
3) We also encourage you to still send in a snack that is store-bought and contains an ingredient label. Store-bought items will be permitted and submitted for vetting while homemade cookies, brownies, cupcakes will not be allowed.
If this is the option selected we will need the label sent to us 48 hours in advance.
****This can be done by either dropping off at the Nutrition Service office or by filling out the following google form. This will ensure all snack ingredients can be vetted before the party or distribution of the snack.****
4) If you choose to purchase the product from the school please fill out the order form online and stop by the Nutrition Office for payment. Again we ask for 48-hour notice to be sure products are available and payment is complete.
5) Teachers: We will need to get a list of the students in your classroom that will be participating in the party or celebration. Again we ask that this be sent to the Nutrition Service office 48 hours before the event.
This list should be confidential by email to: jmurray@hfcsd.org. Alternatively, you can drop off your list at the Nutrition office at the MS. (You may also submit the list to the School Nurse if the office is unavailable.)
6) If the Nutrition Director is away from the office or off-campus to check the ingredients and allergies; You can check with the Nurses of the school, Cafeteria Manager of the school, or call the Nutrition Service office at ext. 2118 as an alternative.
Field Trip Request Forms
Please sign in and complete 30 days prior to any field trip request. Make sure to fill out your building’s Field Trip Health Office Request in advance of any field trip out of district. Contact Transportation if you are unable to sign in.
Absence Management (AESOP)
APPR Evaluation
IEP/504 Direct
Professional Development Catalog
Please sign in using the Organization Account option which will direct you to sign in using your Google credentials. If you are experiencing difficulties or need access to a module, please contact the Help Desk.
Google Drive
Staff forms and resources are now available from a Shared Google Drive. If you need to access the HFCSD Files and Documents Team Drive please contact the Help Desk.
Workplace Violence Incident Reporting
Complete this form when you have been impacted by an incident of workplace violence. An act of violence against an employee may be committed by another staff member, students, visitors or a person outside of the school property.
- An Attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury upon an employee;
- Any intentional display of force which would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm;
- Intentional and wrongful physical contact with a person without their consent that entails some injury; or
- Stalking an employee with the interest in causing fear of physical harm to the physical safety and health of such employee when such stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.